Hey there warlord. You wanted an apology for not being active in that small little individual war we was in. Well here it is, sorry for being inactive. Technically, i was not inactive, i actually was but every time i went to hit when i wasnt knocked out, it said i was out of troops. Reason being, i looked at news and it had 3 or 4 different people hitting me at a time. Thats why it showed me to be inactive. Which you saw in the history that i did make successful actions.
So therefore, i was active just chose to stop trying. So whatever you decide to do, go ahead and farm. But trust me, that is a path you do not want to go down. And you are also trying to get more people to farm me with you because you cant make a successful hit with out pots. So go ahead and try farming with your little friends. Cause i have 2 clans full of members that love to farm. Have fun with your lazy excuse of a life. Im done talking to you. You got what you wanted so stay out of my news feed. Please and thank you.
Cry about it some more lol. Doesn't seem very sincere. Don't war if you can't hit people. Maybe if you weren't leaking then you wouldnt get so many hits. Learn how to use bb codes. NO SUPPORT.
After viewing his stats (via the link on your wall) I say destroy him. You're evenly matched, you could take him on and come out on top.
Castiel War193 is stronger in stats. WarLord is better in BFE can't tell bfa. But I'm guessing neither have much of it. I'm pretty sure though that he wouldve tried to hit back and he probably failed.
No i was there, just didnt do anything but talk to an old friend i havent talked to on here in a long time.
This kid right here gets no cf. Why? Because he was not being KO'ed every time he was up. He rarely went down. I went down 0/6 all bit 1 were SKO, he went down 0/3 with 8 actions, 65K plunder. I had about 48 actions with 2M in plunder. I tapped him after the war and came across 13 adp, then at his regen and got none. He and 2 others on our cr were the leaks on our side. They won by a good 2-3B lead but they did have a good track as well. Either way he could've been hitting the war, 3 times doesn't add up in 1 hour war. To come up is 10 minutes, 10x3=30minutes out of an hour. Your going to stay pinned as long as the people of KaW vote to have you come up. Your going to get stripped here soon so be expecting that. I had nobody hit you they hit you on their own.
This is his build. Enemy buildings found were: 1x The Hatchery(level 1),1x Castle(level 3),5x Stronghold of Shadow(level 2),20x Cursed Foundry(level 3),1x Stronghold of Shadow(level 1)
Lol warlord I remember seeing u getting ko'd and in op's defence we were allllllll over you guys ️ I even had inc from op at one point