Bacon wrapped hotdog with tonnes of spicy ketchup. Is it fair for a kaw player to hire one of your allies and then have a cry when you hire them straight back when they have woc cast and a banner saying 'no ally hire when woc cast'? Hypothetically speaking lol
No zombie plan here in Australia we be like WTF How many times must a woodchuck wood if a woodchuck could chuck wood for their to be a pile of wood?
I would join them so I never have to go to work again. If your or your parents car could speak, what would be the first thing it would say?
Anything but chubby!!! Lol, I would rather take the rat trap to the certain place. Do you head-but or falcon punch your cereal in the mid-afternoon?
Because of a certain sequence of letters within the word (im taking this as your question lol) Would you prefer to sit in the middle of your town / city centre dressed as a member of ISIS or a little fairy?