ask the next person a question game

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by GuNnYLepine, Oct 21, 2014.

  1. Or

    Bacon cats or bacon dogs?
  2. Bacon wrapped hotdog with tonnes of spicy ketchup.

    Is it fair for a kaw player to hire one of your allies and then have a cry when you hire them straight back when they have woc cast and a banner saying 'no ally hire when woc cast'?

    Hypothetically speaking lol
  3. They can cry, it's just not fair for them to blame you.

    What's your zombie plan?
  4. No zombie plan here in Australia we be like WTF

    How many times must a woodchuck wood if a woodchuck could chuck wood for their to be a pile of wood?
  5. I would join them so I never have to go to work again.

    If your or your parents car could speak, what would be the first thing it would say?
  6. There's a taco in the gas tank. Help me.

    What's the best thing to use to strangle someone?
  7. Bacon

    Where's Waldo?
  8. The intestines of the one you killed before.

    Death metal or ballet, why?
  9. Ballet because it's less likely to give me a headache

    Cat or dog?
  10. Dogs
    Reddit or Youtube?
  11. Dog.

    Rat trap in a certain spot. Or 15 minutes in a closet with chubby
  12. Anything but chubby!!! Lol, I would rather take the rat trap to the certain place.

    Do you head-but or falcon punch your cereal in the mid-afternoon?
  13. 15 minutes in closet. So i could strangle him.

  14. Ermm, I don't understand the question.

    What's the question?
  15. There was no question

    Do u call soccer/football soccer or football?
  16. Soccer. Murica.

    What's the worst injury you've ever had?
  17. Broke both of my bacon/arms

    Have u ever drank while under the legal age in your country?
  18. "No". *looks around*

    Would you rather get spanked with a cucumber or get slapped by George Bush?
  19. Why is cucu. mber censored?
  20. Because of a certain sequence of letters within the word (im taking this as your question lol)

    Would you prefer to sit in the middle of your town / city centre dressed as a member of ISIS or a little fairy?