Benny really sounds like a narcissistic dick wad on this thread. ๎ Congrats Benny; you are an ex mod/"lb." If only I could find a few fucks to give. Your accnt may be X amount of years old, but it doesn't count when you are retired for more time than you were active. You act like anyone here actually cares how long you played anyway. If anything, playing that long and still making shitty forum posts makes you an even bigger noob. Now run along and retire for another 7 months. I'll see you in May 2015 bud.
Well for one... Inferno isn't green. Everyone saw, just wondering. Also Willy's "low effort trash thread" seems to be pretty active. That Is all please continue.
I wanna be Treasurer or Secretary to the President :lol: please. I'm up to date on my forum things. Thanks Nal.