[Idea]Junior Moderators[Support]

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by Sanguine, Oct 25, 2014.

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  1. Lmao I mostly lurk forums..
    But I'll be honest, when princessbacon called out Benny I lol'd so hard 
  2. @ Snowman they do not have green names because it is a different system totally. Moderators are not very active in the KaWmunnity and it let's the PLAYERS chose who gets the power in the KaWmunnity.
  3. @candy


    This is a privacy based issue

  4. Huge support. I'd like to see this implemented.
    I think that age should not matter, only maturity. I have seen many mature young people, and many immature older ones.
  5. Support it all except for the way to apply should be the same way that regular mods apply not the kawmunity because there is a lot of people who vote or support the wrong guy look at some of our historic presidents some of them are just God awful just because people voted for the wrong person so yeah junior mods should apply the same way regular mods do.
  6. I'm making a point that junior mods and normal mods are similar to forum mods and game mods which failed in the past.
    If these player mods were truly capable and are as active as a normal mod. Then why belittle them and throw a target on their head for these 'pervs' you speak of.
    Why can't they be treated as a normal mod?
  7. @Chad ATA has very final say. As I said before this is the player's mod.
  8. What if I have the Peter Pan syndrome and am at a mental age of 12.. Can I apply?
  9. Sasuke, I don't think this will be like forum and game mods. Junior mods and regular miss would work together and would be more of a cohesive unit than the split of forum mods and game mods.
  10. Support
  11. If you believe that shadow.
    But it is important to learn from past mistakes.
    I can't just shrug off similarities.
  12. They have less powers because they are younger. To young to be a regular mod. But mature enough to handle everything thrown at them pervs and all.
    Forum mods were forums only
    Regular didn't mod forums I don't think.
    This mod has forum and regular powers give or take a few @Sasuke
  13. @SASUKE the diffrence is fiurm mods were taking away some power from regular mods junior mods are not the simpale purpose is to do the same thing as a mod but your just under 18 giving minors a chance for power
  14. What about inc? I hear mods get a lot on inc in their newsfeeds
  15. It's not like forum mods and game mods caused that big of an issue as I can remember. All I remember is the issue, that still appears today, of certain mods working noticeably harder than others.
  16. @ Ashes the JMods will be ready for everything thrown at them ATA will make sure of that in the variation application given to candidates.
  17. Full support. Too many offences not being curbed.
  18. @Ash remember the community will be chosing who so obviously someone who can take inc and someone with thick skin
  19. Ftr, game mods could do everything forum mods could do with the exception of forum banning players for 24hrs.
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