The Problem: As we all know, Individual War requires much teamwork and coordination, and willingness to follow the brave person who decides to step up as War Commander. When you get a full, active team who are all willing and able to xtal, it can be an awesome experience. Unfortunately, this isn't always the case. Many people who sign up for war are not willing or able to use a Health Crystal. I believe there is a very easy-to-incorporate idea to fix this, and encourage people to use their Health Crystal. The Solution: Once the match ups have been made, supply all who signed up with 1 Health Crystal, so that everyone has the ability to use it. At the end of the war, when your war is over, if you haven't used your crystal, it will be automatically used for a full regen. Just a quick and simple way to reduce the lack of teamwork in individual wars, and it gives people a way to use a Health Crystal if people don't have the money. Original thread by PoopleZ
It isn't required to xtal, but it is encouraged and relied upon. This is to increase the amount of people using xtal in wars, and it removes excuses for everyone who doesn't xtal.
I have a better fix. Get rid of xtal use for everyone in wars. Then it's all even playing field andyou can stop whining that people don't spend money for xtals in wars.
Possible means of making KaW P2P. yeah make all wars a must to have crystals brilliant idea make tons of noob quit warring, brilliant brilliant. people can do what they want, it's an online game omg... Experience> winning man. Thats the real sportsmanship
I disagree. I buy xstals to war, and I shouldn't be required to. The ability to instantly regenerate troops once in war IS a nessecity, but the requirement to pay for that should not be. At least charge gold or mith for it.
I don't see what positive impact this would have on the game, your idea is to give everyone a free xtal for the war, quick thing to note : giving a paid for item away for free hurts the devs profits and thus is an instant strike against your idea. This simply deals with one issue in a kinda round about way, moles, purposeful leaks and inactives will hurt your clan more than those one or two people who don't have an xtal for wars.
Oops I didnt see the free 1 health xtal. STILL no support sorry brah. War is not meant for players who won't spend that extra $$$$$. Wars have been like this as long as I know. Now way would devs cripple their source of $$$$$ in any way.
Not this thread again.... The solution is quite simple... When u round war u deal with stacking similarly when u indi war u deal with having ppl in ur team that don't xtals easy as that (and remember that your opponent team will most likely have some too) And before anybody starts shouting at me... Yes I don't have a war build, no I don't xtals in every war and yes I only do indi wars
Ops idea is also shot down if the account warring has zero xtals can't take away or use what they don't have. Plus a Xtal paid for should be used as and when whoever buys it wants in ee or not. A way to buy a war only Xtal with Aqua or inferno or gold with maybe only 1/2 bar Regen on compared to fb regen on paid for Xtals.
I still like the idea of a paid war Xtal that is cheaper than a regular xtal but does the same thing. The restriction on the war xtal is it can only be used in indi/primal/round wars. Maybe charge .50c/xtal instead of the $1.00/xtal now. this encourages warring and still gives the devs a source of income. The reduced price is justified by the restrictions on the xtals. In war you could use a reg xtal or a war xtal thus not requiring players to buy two xtals or nullifying the 900xtals some people already own, during wars. The downside is most likely a smaller revenue stream from wars. Though more people may buy the war xtals to offset the balance.