the cure for cancer

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by RR_VIPERCREATCHURE_RR, Oct 22, 2014.

  1. The pharmisutical companies don't want you to know about because they would lose billions in revenue is cannabis oil president Regan did a study to find out the benefits & down fall of canubus & found out that when the oil is ingested it has a massive impact on cancer cells
  2. Is this a run-on sentence
  3. I think, know/assume, that it will impact any cell
  4. This is the dumbest thing I've read today please use punctuation too it will help people understand your conspiracy rantings happy KaWing
  5. Vipercreachure strikes again!
  6. Good money in cannabis. Thread sucks btw.

  7. Might as well make this thread relevant in some way... Not joking, but joking..
  8. This is true but the thread really does suck. As for Canada, I only think 2 people died.
  9. Many things cure cancer. Cancer thrives in acidic environments(made by sugars. Yes the jello hospitals give cancer patients makes the cancer worse.) making your body more alkaline (eating lots of vegetables, baking soda, hydrogen peroxide(food grade), etch.... <---all of those achieve alkalinity) greatly declines the chances of someone getting cancer (or viruses or bacterial infections for that matter). Look up the gerson diet. Formed by a guy back in like the 40's. cured cancer, tuberculosis, etc.....
  10. Canabis pop has been proven to attack " some " cancers. Particularly brain cancers effectively.
    It is not common practice and is not advised due to the fact that not enough research has been done yet. And also it is proven that canabis attacks all cells. In the case of brain tumours in rare cases it has shown to be particularly aggressive against tumour cells first aiding the patient.
    It is not a cure for all cancers. And like any treatment it carries huge risk.
    Medical research is looking into it and other more controllable cures.
    From what I have seen, this would be a last ditch all else has failed remedy with no guarantee. And the patient will have brain damage at best after treatment.
    This thread may be crap. But at least research a little before posting on such things.
    Op you can find the sources. Not my thread.
    But far more research is needed into this treatment prospect. Conspiracy. Nope if it was proven legit the pharmaceutical companies would be farming it like crazy and selling as a treatment for max profit pushing for revised medical usage
  11. People always say that they have a cure but don't release it because they get more money. This is bull crap.
    It's basic economics. There's a lot of companies treating cancer. If one company has an actual cure, all those other treatments will be obsolete. Suddenly the patients from every single cancer treatment center will be going to the one with a cure. That's a lot of money for one company and no businessman is going to sit on that. If there was only one company treating cancer it'd be plausible, but there's not, and they're all competing.
  12. is this a game like decypher the message?

    anyway i give up ...
  13. I think someone has been watching too much of family guy :|
  14. Well that would certainly help. After all, I don't believe that there was ever a president "Regan" in the U.S. :roll:
  15. What are you saying?!? 
  16. Oh and moose! Please use punctuation! Couldn't understand what you said! 
  17. What if the cure for cancer is inside a homeless guys brain
  18. I stopped reading when u misspelled pharmecutical

    The struggle is real
  19. Please Stfu and go home...
    This isn't funny. You show no sources. And it's cruel as hell to those that have been or are being plagued with cancer. Be it themselves or watching people they care about suffer..