Possible means to eliminate non-xtal users in war.

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by Randomeyze, Oct 21, 2014.

  1. Separate* ^
  2. How is not doing what isn't required shady? Guess what isn't required? Indy wars. If you don't like the risks that Come along with them then don't do them.
  3. Hence my point of making wars for in app purchasers only so it doesn't waste anyone else's time.
  4. Maybe if devs make a war that requires no xstal at all or whatsoever therefore people who want to use xstal can stick to the same EE wars primal, round, indi, etc.
  5. Oranje this is a free to play game. I am entitled to war for free. You seem to believe you are entitled to being a tool cuz you spend money.
  6. Poop that is the most retarded thing i have ever heard. Its a free to play game called Kingdoms at war.

    Not a pay to play called kaw and a free to play called kaeb
  7. @peoplez, so your plan for kingdoms at war, is to sell the war part of the game separately... Seems legit.

    Xtals for war are optional, its the community that made em mandatory for wars, not the non xtalers fault you lose or decided to use an xtal. Don't see how that makes me or anyone else an ass for not buying something for this game.
  8. No support in fact I might even participate in Indy wars and not use a xstall. That is an option just like buying seals and horns for better paying ebs. There is an option but you don't have to
  9. I war a lot and xtal every time. I pay for them, but I must say the game is free to play. So as frustrating as it is when people don't xtal it's not required. Indy wars are Indy wars, everyone knows the issues with them. It's either that or stacked wars tho so take your pick, I personally will take a few bad Indy wars versus old system
  10. All apps with in app purchases have free to play and pay to play components. Pay to play is a privilege and should not be ruined by freeloaders. Those who wish to go no IAP can participate in ebs, events, hunts, PvP. Wars should not be spoiled by a non-team player. As someone suggested, xtals aren't mandatory but perhaps that's the problem. Either make it mandatory or don't include them. You pay 25 cents to play pacman. If you don't have a quarter, you sit on the sidelines and watch someone play.
  11. If you ee without xstal you're a scrub. At times you may not need them or if you're 2b down in war you won't use them but there is no excuse to ee without xstal. You only hurt you're team
  12. Poop your still being stupid.

    What part of crystals not being mandatory dont you get?

    thats a community thing.

    I dont care who xtals and who doesnt. Especially when they still do better than most others.
  13. Wars are not a pay to play aspect. Deal with it.
  14. I support the fact that you are required to give an xtal to the oracle in order to cast WoC. If you use it war, you use it. If you don't use it in war, too bad.
  15. @Poopz using xstals aren't necessarily required to actually war you can use xstal if you want to but it doesn't mean everyone else should have to use an xstal to actually war it is OPTIONAL but it does help but not a REQUIREMENT.
  16. Obviously it's not a requirement. My argument is that it should be. Please read the comment before replying.
  17. This old discussion again, like I said before it's your decision to xstal or not. I suggest the devs add a feature to the war history where you can see who xstalled. Just like the new thing with aqua and inferno, this way the clan can pound the crap out of the ones that didn't xstal.
  18. It shouldnt be. Kingdoms at war is barely kingdoms at war as it is.

    Now you want to segregate the paying and the ftp players?

    Man you are dimwitted.
  19. Kaw could put two options

    Indy - with xstal and without

    There for all those willing can be in one team those who don't can be in another.