
Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Cub, Oct 16, 2014.

  1. Neil Armstrong stepped on the moon in 1969 . Are you saying that people can land on the moon and return home but they can't make or experiment with diseases, viruses ? What do you know about what's your country experimenting with , trying out new technology? Nothing! The government , they hide it all. Maybe they hide it for the sake of the people. Maybe some evil crazy scientist just wants power. We don't know anything. For all we know it could be the aliens. But we have to adapt . We have to find cures, find answers to the thousands of questions we have........
  2. I dont see why borders are closed in North America yet, do they want every Host of the virus movin here or wut
  3. Why they aren't*
  4. They can... It just costs a hell of a lot of money...
  5. If you want an unbiased and objective view on Ebola and Marburg (similar type of thread virus) read 'hot zone' by Richard Preston.
    As the tag line says.... the most terrifying true story you will ever read......
  6. Mother and daughter in Russia have it so now so I blame Putin
  7. I Aint got no worrys 
  8. Typically none of you are seeing the real issue, some my say it's a thing to do with other countries so e may say it's a persons fault for traveling others say nothing but sit back and see what people say,

    First off for those who think the virus's out there are spread from animals and people well on some cases this is real. But in other cases the government is using everyone person as experiments.

    You are all being tested everyday and don't know it. For example what is the best at to give people a virus or to rest on people without them knowing. How about the food supply the government put stuff in your daily meets everyday and you buy it,

    It's how they control the population and also it's how they test all there diseases, and for who actually thinks there is not a cure for every disease out there I'm sorry you think that.

    There is cures the government will just not allow the cure.

    So end ending, sir back drink a beer eat your walmart food and get ready for the zombi apocalypse,

    Thanks for reading
  9. Why are we now only doing something you ask? Because humans are stupid and lazy. It's now a potential threat for everyone. Combine this with social media and public pressure on governments and you now have people doing something.
  10. Just wondering
    If I killed the butterflies in my garden, would I be safe?
  11. That kool and some folks from Europe and America caught that nasty bug and suddenly it got interesting .
  12.  Conspiracy theorist, revisionist, sheeple, water carriers, and delusional sycophants, gotta love em. Reminds me why I changed my registration to independent and am remiss that I'll soon need to change it back.

    I still stand by my previous statement, this outbreak is the wests fault (primarily America). Believe what you will about anything else I posted (I'll admit I was unaware of advancements in recycling), but the ethanol mandate set up an ideal situation for this to happen. Still can find where the UN warned of this happening, if indirectly.
  13. Sylar I'm wondering what you are basing that on ?
    Yes ethanol production does use roughly 40% of the USA's corn crop each year and there were concerns about food prices being affected by that a few years ago following a bad drought year and low yields . That said how is that causing Ebola ?
  14. Explain sylar cause I was gonna ask the same question
  15. Ok let's play connect the dots. UN states that America's ethanol mandate will cause people in poor countries to starve. Studies are done by the left, right, and indifferent that show that this is happening. This causes people in these countries to look for alternate food sources. Mmmm these bats taste good and it's free protein if I can catch them myself. Tada, Ebola outbreak.
  16. Sylar that would be the case if there wasn't the slight issue of cultural history.

    People in west Africa eat bushmeat because it's a tradition .
  17. [​IMG]
  18. Enojoka....to soon?

  19. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
  20. Ebola is a weapon and like most weapons it's man made.