bank loans and bounty hunters

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by hero_sapphire, Oct 17, 2014.

  1. I see no where, where someone went off topic. Couldn't think of anything to say, so had to say that?
    :lol: :lol:
  2. Clearly OP isn't making enough from his EBs and from hitting me (which he's clearly given up on :lol: ) so he needs a loan. Look how many damn mith spells he has on. 
  3. there is definitely an interesting idea. but at this point we need a kaw 2.0 because it is pretty difficult to make such massive changes to the game.
  4. There would be a lot of people quitting and that means less money for the devs so I don't think this would be implemented
  5. U idiot i just got done warring im mithe up
  6. Bump for OP who gets butthurt for receiving criticism 
  7. Hero is such a noob. Seriously.
  8. I could borrow gold on an alt and volley it to my main.. No support to yet another lame idea
  9. This would be exploited so easily its not even funny
  10. An idea is out forward and the op is abused. Got to love forums.
    This is a silly idea though the coding would be insane work for very little reasons, also like everything it would be abused and flaws evrywhere.
  11. No support. The coding for this would be crazy hard to do. The beta testing for this update would take longer. You will most likely be farmed out of existence before this is put into place.

    Support for new ideas on how to improve kAw though. :)
  12. Deal! Make loans 76785657769567957847857 trillion and I can hit bounty hunters back and you got my support!
  13. Good idea maybe people can request how much and depending on your cs it gives u a time so u don't ask for a lot but then not have enough time
  14. No support to either idea we have BB that's the bank, as for bounties I can offer you a volley to do a favor.
  15. Sorry, cant suppport this
  16. If this was implemented, nubs could loan 500bil ug then stay at 0 gold, this not losing anything
  17. First the gold would be spent upgrades pots volley transfer to alt.

    If it did work then maybe instead of having a team off bounty hunters everyone is. The battle list is replaced with those on debt and all of Kaw could farm unseen.

    But all to easy to exploit so should and will never happen.
  18. Where do I drop my application in for a bounty hunter?