Ebola Outbreak Hello, I am here today to discuss the recent outbreak on the deadly virus known as Ebola. It is not something to joke about folks and you should take it very seriously. If someone near you contracted the virus then would you be joking about it? Nope.. How to contract the virus Ebola is a fatal virus that spreads through direct contact with an infected animal or person, typically via blood, bodily fluids, or tissue transmission. Symptoms The early stages and the advanced stages are both very grueling and painful. Early stage symptoms include Headache, Fever, Fatigue, Muscle pain, and Sore Throat. Advanced stage symptoms include High Fever, Vomiting Blood and Passive behavior, Extreme Bruising, Brain Damage, and Bleeding from the Nose, Mouth, and the eyes. Some of the symptoms might manifest till 21 days after contracting the virus. What we are doing and thinking The CDC (Centers for Disease) have claimed this virus to be one of the deadliest in history if not the deadliest. In August, the CDC also stated that unless you lived in or visited any of the infected country's, you were not at risk to contract the virus. That brings me to one question... The first reported case of Ebola was back in the 1970's I believe .. If we already knew about it and how deadly it could become, why were exporting and importing from the country's after the reported cases? And why haven't we done anything about this now? My questions Are there any other procedures we can do to help prevent future Ebola patients and the spread of the virus? Do you think we will be able to handle the virus? What would you do if the virus hit your city or infected someone you knew? My thoughts I think we should've been taking precautions when we first found out of the reported cases in Africa. I am very curious to see of what our country will do if the disease starts to spread more.. Please give me feedback on your thoughts and ideas on what we should be doing more ️
Beat Ebola theories I've heard in forum to date are..... 1. Obama is using Ebola to take American guns 2. Ebola is being spread across Africa by the Red Cross to help give business to the "big pharma" companies. 3. Ebola is actually not even real, and this is all a stated hoax by the media. Have fun with that. Glad I could lower the IQ on this thread. Now, make sure your penicillin shots are up to date, drink lots of orange juice, and wash your hands after you poop. Oh, and don't kiss anyone who has a dealer and festering body sores.
As serious as this is, this sure sounds like the media scare that was formed around the HIV virus. Also, lets not forget the end of the world pandemic with bird flu. I still think this is just "hot" news and it will fade out when we get tired of hearing about it. I'd still rather see more money put into getting people to get their Flu shots, as the flu kills more people per year than any other virus. Why not protect yourself from at least a few strains?
I had a guy at work who is from Cameroon saying it's the US government spreading lies and that Obama is a puppet being controlled by the government lol
From what I've read about the subject, there have been 5 reported cases in the US and people are going crazy about it. So, my belief is that if it does spread much more, the US will be demanded to deal with it and will do so. Plus, it currently is only contracted by coming in contact with the bodily fluid of someone who has it so it can pretty easily be isolated. Thus, I believe the media is gonna make a big deal about it now but it will eventually die out
I seen on the news earlier that there was a man with no protective gear on with an ebola patient getting onto a jet ... Just why?