Indy wars

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by Owain21, Oct 15, 2014.

  1. First of all I think that the introduction of indy wars were actually a bold step by the devs and a move away from the norm. They do have massive potential, but at the moment I really feel that potential is where they are at. The problems around indies are reasonably well documented, no WC, no tracker, in actives, ppl not using crystals, moles, leaks and noobs. In order to help with the match ups a bit I have some suggestions.

    Make it appealing to WC or track, most people (not all there are some real machines out there) end up with a smaller mith payout when they are Wcing or tracking, why not increase the payout for people wcing or tracking by 50% to represent the extra work that they are putting in. There have been other mechanisms proposed by people for trying to ensure that there is a wc or tracker on each side I'm not that fussed on that aspect, I do feel that people who spend the hour before actually helping the team should get a better payout.

    My other suggestion is to increase the raw war stats that each player performs in war. At the moment we have plunder earned, kos, actions, amount of times koed. I would like to see not only plunder earned but the amount of plunder lost as well, and the times koed divided into skos and kos. This set of data is then represented on players profiles as raw stats as well as how many wars that they have been involved in. All of this could then be used to provide an EE talent ranking, which could be a part of the data used to provide match ups.

    Thirdly if all else fails let the community start to pick their own sides. Make some method of having WCs cast before war (maybe a viceWC too) then provide the 40 players available who have cast in their stat range and they can take turns picking players.

    I appreciate that very little every gets picked up by the devs but I really feel that currently indy war is more about the same small group going round and round in circles as its such a crap shoot, hopefully some or all of these could help to even the playing field.
  2. 1. better payout for WC and tracker would be nice... but atm is impossible to implement as all wars are automated... and computer can't possible know who was the WC and Tracker... 1st you have to make them "official" (with a spell, a badge or something like that) ...and after maybe the payout can be increased!

    2. I think that could be done... and yes will be interesting to see how each player did... who was active, and who was not... who leaked, who got the most of the actions... who failed all actions and people thinks he was inactive... and so on. But i think this can take 2-3 years for devs to implement... they made a road-map for kaw future in January with 10 resolutions or so... and so far they did 2 or 3... and we are in October :lol: So implementing this will take forever! i'm sure! :lol:

    3. HaHaHa LMFAO... this made my day!! Like in a friendly soccer game in the schoolyard!!! each captain choosing players!! ...oh boy that was funny!!! :lol: :lol:
  3. I wc every INDY war I do.

    Want to know why? Because I like to win.

    I count on myself to win and that is reward enough. I'm 66 out of 75 this season wcing INDY wars, victory is reward enough.
  4. I really do like the idea of taking turns picking players. That would be enjoyable.
  5. Thats cause u have me as tracker :)
  6. Only one lol
  7. I like the idea of the picking your team thing. The prep time would have to be longer though so that they can prepare