I was on gold and I wasn't rewarded anything my tokens aren't even reward tokens yet. They are still in the form of battle token. Like I just won them. It hasn't even gave me the notification that the round is over. Nothing. The only thing different is my name isn't gold anymore.
Did you refresh the app? If you haven't, try it as a last resort. If you have I don't know what to say to you.
Restarting doesn't help. I tried that earlier when I got a no match and couldn't see my own rancor spell. Everyone else old see them on my profile but me. :|
Ummm my question is this... I held my chest from winning last round as a blue. This round I got gold team and lost. Yet gold team got 1 chest and blue got 2.... I got nothing since still had chest in inventory. so I can't hold my chest when I see my teams gonna lose? Wait I can... I just don't get the free chest cuz I saved mine... seems legit... nope
Your previous chest actually got replaced with the new chest. In their forum post the devs said you had to use your chests before the next event (aka you can only have one in your inventory unless a special situation arises)
No. It says note: can only have one in inventory. No where does it say that chest expires at the end of event.. I can't hold chest through a round I'm gonna lose?? Newsfeed also shows nothing about me winning anything... js