Wedding System

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by Ashaya3, Oct 7, 2014.

  1. Ok so the problem with this idea is that it's easily exploitable. What is to stop me from "marrying" my alt and now I have benefits for both accounts which I have control of. Also I'm seeing major WC problems if this took effect. There are enough creeps out there lets not encourage them
  2. In essence, you need 100b to buy the ring. A fair chunk of change. If your alt can afford that, then awesome. Go all for it.

    Honestly, alt exploitation would be a very hard thing for most players to achieve.

    I do appreciate legitimate feedback tho. Almost makes me reconsider letting this thread continue as it is.
  3. So... People that like RPing weddings... Will see this (if implemented) and do what they normally do? (Which is RP)
    I really don't see the logic of "It'll encourage/It's just for RP." Maybe I'm missing something, but if they want to RP a wedding, what's to stop them? They can't do it until it's in the game?

    Also, I noticed some talk of exploit, what if the bonuses given aren't game breaking? They're decent to consider, but nothing THAT much, and it's more of a show of "marriage."

    I'll support OP, but mainly because I see it in a different light then people immediately hopping on the RP-wise bandwagon.
  4. Holy crap double legitimate feedback. The forums aren't filled with ignoramouses?

    Ok I have been convinced. Will edit in 12 hours or so. I will address specific foncerns, add a few ideas *change the title*, and will see where it goes from there.
  5. Even if bonus was 1% it's still an exploit. And 100b is a lot, to SOME players. That's what makes it an exploit is that some can take advantage over others.
  6. How about a stat size limit as well? Maybe 6-7mil CS (trying to keep them SH'a from getting more plunder :p)
  7. I'm laughing all the ignorant people saying this is war game so No Support :lol:
  8. No what I meant is both parties need 100b. Each needs to pay their share. This way you can't make an alt randomly and marry it.

    However, an alt that can easily make 100b deserves to be married to the main.
  9. I could be down with that vampire... except it wont make much of a difference in the long run.

    Ideally its 1% base. Enchantable (with gold) to 10.

    So at lvl 10 its an 11% increase.

    I know that that seems like a lot, but that ain't nothing to a SH o.o

    Especially compared to EE5 and BR bonuses.
  10. Irl, when i marry, i will make it a black wedding, screw traditions, my wedding will be a black one, my girl will wear black, and i will wear black and everything will be draped in black, we will have black cake, black wine, and our guests will have to wear black
  11. Paint it black
  12. :3 but imma have pink hair
  13. This is so pimdish. . . . Y U DO DIS?
  14. It's PIMDish.... But you bump to keep it alive. Yuno. Y u no think logic?
  15. I think this guy took the idea from the game dragons era in facebook or something called like that, man has to buy 2 rings with nobility in this case and give one to ur couple, that ring will "boost" ur stats significantly as u wasted rl money to get em.

    In the case of KaW there's too much things u can buy with nobs and money that i dont think this will be implemented, how many stats can a ring give either way?
  16. Ya know I_didnt_mean_to...

    You are kinda not smart. Accuse me of pinning on EB, then when ya realize you can't do anything to me, you self pin on eb. Beautiful.
  17. You are currently dtw
  18. There your outta pin! Cone at meh brah!