Wedding System

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by Ashaya3, Oct 7, 2014.

  1. I've heard many LB players have kaw hubbys/wives
    Goes back before RPers joined kaw
    Personally I think it's silly but whatever floats your boat…
    Just please don't force us to get married to keep up
    I think some were upset with op cuz they didn't get their bbc fix
  2. Go play a fantasy life MMORPG. Ask them. Kaw is a battle game.
  3. It's a war strategy role playing game. Twit.
  4. Dude get a life outside of your moms house
  5. Oh DenI, will you kawmarry me? :D
  6. I don't live at my moms house 0.o
  7. Deni is a perfectly independent woman, tyvm, get your facts straight before you fail at **** talking.
  8. Thanks, Jennifer. But I seriously don't need a defense lawyer.
  9. *goes back to lurking*
  10. I'll marry whoever. I JUST DON'T WANT TO BE ALONE ANYMORE!!! 
  11. Woah now.

    I don't have to wait for you to be on your death bed?
  12. :shock:

    did i forget the sarcasm tags again?
  13. Shh. Don't derail, boi.
  14. Bump for tragic ginger teen moms
  15. No, just no...
  16. I greatly appreciate the bump chubby. Keep it alive.
  17. support :)))))))))))
  18. All the drama. I can smell it already.
  19. Ok so ata have made a game called party in my dorm! Go and play it!
  20. So if I'm married and I decide to get a divorce, do I loose half my buildings and equipment??