Complete OSW Ally Guide

Discussion in 'Guides' started by Rusted_Knight_of_New_Age, Jul 1, 2014.

  1. you test on mp is wrong...sorta. you dont need to regen as bonus from allies NEVER changes. just look at that number when you testing. once that number stops going up your good
  2. Very impressive Bill!!! Momma is proud of you!!! 
  3. Thanks AM.

    *Made a few small corrections in op*
  4. Quite comprehensive and detailed. Great post. Wish I'd had time to teach you more, but now I'm the noob.

    You forgot one though...the max plunder complete garbage ally that devs will reset anyway.

    Even after a strip, with current or old school tactics, you can replace this ally repeatedly with a decent bank or a few days earnings from EB or bouncing on a pot depleted opponent.
  5. Thanks joe_, will edit the first chance I get!
    StealthElite likes this.
  7. awesome guide, really helpful :)
  8. Under Construction!
    Changing Color BBCodes to be more readable!
  9. Construction Complete. Hope my edits make it eaiser to read! Happy Kawing!
  10. This was a great thread and I wish more clans would have picked up the osw route to make the game fun. Bill, don't know if you are still around old friend, but I'm proud of what you accomplished.
    Removed section from Bombs on main page.
    put a line through the bomb section on redirect page so to allow the information to be viewed.

    I know bombs have been gone fore a little while but I don't play enough to edit my guides regularly.

    Anyways, All of my guides are updated. Enjoy.
  12. Ty
  13. Still a great and thorough guide.

    Ty Rusty.
  14. bump , because this should be basic knowledge
  15. Great Guide

    Thank you 
  16. Thanks for the guide! Support!
  17. Bring back bombs :/