I agree with with your ideas moose. The kaw time zone would be very helpful for all players, and may even pave the way for daily activities to do. Also, the betting of BBS would be amazing. But there would have to be some kind of restraint to keep low stat players from making trillions and getting BC in a day.
I agree about finding some way to limit the bets with the bbs. My ideas are pretty rough in this thread. If some have wide spread support, a closer look at how to make them viable might be In order
Support somehow moose as much as I disagree with quiet a few of your points you managed to make a very agreeable thread. Congrats
Much support for everything! Let's not forget a manageable friends list on the computer as well! Put new messages on top!!
Also something else. With the alley pricing being what it is. Way higher than a year ago, and the rarity of lower priced starter allies. A increase in quest payout may help newer players some. Especially people feeling out the game. Starter buildings. It seems like time to do something there as well. Okay. Good luck people. I invite people from other games time to time. I feel like that would be the best chance of them sticking around long term. I slightly easier start to a game that is much bigger now.
The hiscores should be extended to include more players. It's (probably) a simple patch that'd have a really positive effect on the game, as you'd have more motivation to grow, if you saw your rank increasing.
How bout making the betting system the exact same but instead we bet bronze bars or mithril? If not that way then it would have to have a set time limit before the items were cashed in for rewards.
I want destructible buildings. When someone is hit some damage should be done. What's the worst that can happen now? Getting stripped? Big deal I have a minuscule amount of gold in garbage allies. If I get stripped who loses more,me a days worth of gold or the attackers that wasted xtals on an mp strip. It's ridiculous that all someone has to do while getting pinned is switch to an alt. There they can stockpile gold while I lose gold with the garbage pvp payout and non paying spy actions pinning and zeroing them. Let my attacks mess up their buildings if they want to just play dead.
Definite support on all points, and some reaction would be great from the developers as several of these ideas have been rolling around for ages it seems. Adding more levels of responsibility in to clan structure would be goid as well. Thanks to Moose once again for great ideas!
support. except for 9. you can't let people bet on events that they have direct influence on. its a terrible idea that will do nothing but inspire event rigging groups.