Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by AshesOfEden, Oct 1, 2014.

  1. Washington
  2. Washington, D.C.'s
  3. The Washington West Wingers

    (The URL practically writes itself)
  4. Washington Dingle Berries
  5. Washington Casino Owners
  6. Washington welfares
  7. The Washington red skin potatoes, and change the mascot from an indian to a red potato.

    Either that or the crackers, an the mascot becomes a white guy...eating a saltine.
  8. Washington Redcoats
  9. Washington CherrySkin Indians
  10. Washington Tables!
  11. Washington Weed Blazers
  12. Washington Taxes
  13. Washington Needs a New Username
    Washington Gators
    Washington Crosses the Delaware
    Washington Rides Again
    Washington Presidents
    Washington Congress
    Washington Post

    More to come 
  14. Washington Nowhiteskins
  15. Washington Philibusters
  16. I'll go with Redskins. Who gives a damn if it hurts some idiots' feelings?
  17. Washington Wussies
    Washington White Folks
    Washington Lobbiest
    Washington Feminazi's
    Washington Smoke Shop Owners
    Washington Scalpers
    Washington White as Rice
    Washington Offenders
    Washington Sunburnt Native Americans

    And on an on...

    I could solve Washingtons problem without changing their name! They could still be the Washington Redskins! Just change their mascot to a redskinned potato!
  18. Washington Cups. (Washing tin cups. I'm so clever)
  19. Washington bible studie's