Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by Spilatch, Sep 30, 2014.

  1. I just thought of this while looking at the Indy war sign up on profile page

    If you are looking for clan wars during the week you can select a merc option for the wars you are available for and you will be posted in merc marketplace

    Each merc can post a small synopsis of stats build tracking or lead exp and clans can contact them directly through the marketplace

    Maybe they can be sorted by cs as war clans are usually looking for certain sized mercs to fit their roster

    This could be used instead of or in addition to the cluster-mess that is mercing in WC

  2. Great idea, i support
  3. Seems like you could make a thread for this exact purpose. If it gets enough people's attention. Then you can merc on the thread and people's clans that need someone can check most recent posts n grab em for upcoming war.

    No need to make entirely separate marketplace.
  4. Support,

    I've actually written the rest of this season off
  5. I have lots of tracking and little WC experience however I do have many friends experienced in both aspects
  6. Wow that would be sick. Take alot of the headaches out of looking for mercs...
  7. Support. Good mercs could be backed by good clans
  8. Legion made a thread called estocs edge recruitment I think a while back go post there
  9. 

    Can call it the "merc-ket place"

  10. To add on.. Owner/admins could make good or bad comments such as "inactive" or "*insert positive thing*" or have a like/dislike button in resoect to your petformance/activity
  11. Idea has been created for you! I just released a new thread that should work fine for this idea.
  12. Thing is, not everybody uses the forums I'm sure.
    Op has a good idea.
  13. Forums are easily accessible for all KaW players. Spread the word about my new thread and it will be known to those who try hardest to join a war clan. I would rather have a try hard on my roster than someone lazy and careless.