Petition for extra war for europe/asia/Australia 8/9pm aedst

Discussion in 'Wars' started by TweetyBird, Aug 28, 2014.

  1. 6,7 are the only ones that don't follow the 3 hours as it will be server maintenance.

    Anyways there you have it war every 3 hours :|
  2. Except for between 6 & therefore, not every three hours.
  3. Wow. I amazed. 

    I don't know what amaze me the most though...

    -A troll trying to prove the World he is an idiot by showing (with screenshots) that he can't even read a SIMPLE schedule.

    -Everyone else trying to make an idiot think...
  4. Let's try something else...

    Wolfie, what's the time between War42 and War1?
    Same question for Wars 6
  5. Got cut...

    Between war 6 and 7?

    Once you have answered these 2 very complicated questions... have a look at Wars 12 and 13, then wars 18 and 19, then wars 24 and 25, etc.
  6. ^ I was just about to point out 12
  7. I now get a sense of what it would be like to have been his maths teacher.Despite explaining numerous times their error they still argue they are correct. This is the type of ppl we cant filter out in indy when we try to tell them brief at war time or even worse a wc like this
  8. Support 
  9. Great now I'm mad its during the football game Devs No longer got luv for Americans.
  10. Support! Eff those that just because war times fit their schedule won't show a little compassion. Have a few friends that are the gate keepers while we sleep in peace. Devs make a slot for time asked for I'll war Indi to help with filing rosters. I may be just one on the cr but hopefully others would do the same.
  11. Support Cannon️. Dev's please add this war ASAP.
  12. Support ... or at least for the weekends. 
  13. Offer your support. The more wars we have the better off kaw will be