Kaw com can u answer a wuestion alot of us hv please . How come these scroll drops dont seem increased . Out of 85 to 89 people we average 4 to 7 drops per eb . Thats very bad odds also why keep getting same scrolls over n over . We talk about this alot in our clan . Its very frusterating and feels almost pointless to even try for scrolls. I hope you will answer this Thanks M Hawk
Ill believe scroll drops have increased when i start getting them, until then i think we should be able to sell our worthless relics
I love that "easier than ever" line...it's never been easy devs! And continuing to drop ring scrolls after enchantment is a waste...give us something we need...like the other scrolls needed to enchant the remaining relics!
We have run ts and ss 29 times since you started the increase of scrolls and I have got one scroll drop today in 8 days and jumped 15 spots in the clan. With running crystals so it's not a lack of hits. What does it take to get them.
It's like winning the lottery.... It'd be great though if you didn't get scrolls you CANNOT USE.... seriously....
Omg!! Where are they then? I still havent received enough to enchant anyrhing n my clan runs TS/SS b2b
KaW wrote, "we've increased the scroll drops," okay, let's see: after our most recent SS 7 scrolls dropped n 84 clan members hit. Sorry, I'm not seeing any significant "easier then ever increase." ..when can I trade my surplus ring scrolls for some I need? Has the date been set yet?
Let's do some math, based on that same last SS, and assuming 1) the same 84 players continued doing the SS until all had all three relics fully equipped relics, and 2) the random drops would even out over the course of the trial...it would take 420 SS to equip the rings, 840 for the boots
For the boots, 756 for the helm. Assuming the SS averaged 11 hours, that's 192.5 days for the rings, 385 for the boots n 346.5 for the helm, or 27.5 weeks, 55 weeks, n 49.5 weeks, respectively.
Here's an idea devs. Make a scroll generic so it can be applied to whatever piece of equipment we wish to enchant. This would Alleviate the problems with scrolls that are not needed due to the equip already being enchanted. Oh and actually increase the drop rate. Ridiculous.
Funny you see no.replys from kaw on any of our issues . I hv ring from ss n ts only i been doing these ebs since they came out n thats all i hv luckily . There is no increase in drops at all . The extra scroll your getting you at some point will be able to enchant your stuff again . This is what i heard . Guess since kaw cant answer i will least this is what i heard from someone n they told me a few things n they happened. Guess when kaw feels like answering us they will . Kinda lame though to see all these posts n no one can get a answer
Hi devs. Can you let us know when this is going to move from your test environment to the live game. Thanks
All the complaints about receiving scrolls you can't use. Is it that hard to give players aqua/inferno/bb in place of that scroll instead, like on other ebs?
there is always hunting items/promo from hte. guess players of non-hte clans have to suffer in silence
Only 5?? I have done months of ts and Im not even close to enchanting anything. Even when I got my last scroll a couple of weeks ago it meant nothing as I have 6 more to go. Just enjoy the plunder, its not worth getting hung up over scrolls. God knows how a single clan is supposed to naturally progress through the bone dragon ebs with a static/loyal roster.