Everyone seems to be enjoying this betting arrows on wars right now... So why don't we make it more permanent? People can bet gold, mith or nobility (or whatever) and it would be fun
I would guess that this was a trial run specifically to see if it were more viable as a long term addition. Just a guess though.
I like the idea of it I think they made the event like this because they may actually be planning on doing that
I'd enjoy seeing betting with mith and cash. Maybe even with Xtals! And spare me any moral outrage about "gamboling". The istore has rated this as a 9 and up game. Not ATA. ATA ran this imorovement past the istore and it got passed with out any objection or change to the ratings, so, got a gripe? Take it up with apple.
Support, and you could bet on any war, however this does have to have limitations, you wouldn't just bet 30T and get so lucky you win like 300T back.
Know what This isnt real gambling. You are betting freely obtained items on a 50/50 chance to receive free equipment in a video game. You all crying "gambling is bad... Sniffle sob" can suck it.
This is exactly gambling, think about it it's not like it's real cash ur just earning arrows and putting them on a skull if u think about it like that
I can't tell whether the first bit was sarcasm, you just made no sense, or whether your just a NOOB.
God forbid the kids bet an arrow that was givin to them for free on a make believe war gamewe all gonna burn for this one