Selecting multiple messages/contacts/wall posts

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by -Aro-, Sep 25, 2014.

  1. I don't know about many of you, but my contacts list is crazy out of control... And it will take FOREVER to go through and unfollow each and every one of them. Also, there is only a delete all or go through and delete messages one by one.

    So, I'm asking if there is a way to implement selecting multiple messages/wall posts at once to delete. And maybe an unfollow button right beside the names on contacts so you don't have to visit every single players profile to unfollow :)

    (I apologize if this has been thought of or brought up before)
  2. Support.

    Also a list of people that you have followed that are no longer following you. I dislike loose ends
  3. No support, it's not hard.
  4. No support.
  5. Im going to go out on a limb here and say that that is the least of our problems in KaW.
  6. on computer that would be great on phone your just being a lazy couch potato
  7. How is it being lazy? It takes quite a while to go through an extensive list. I know I'm not the only one that keeps my contacts "up to date."

    I know it's not a major kaw problem. The subject criteria of idea/feature request has been met though I do believe :)
  8. And of course all of you are new/statless alts... Besides Buddha, he's just an ass lmao.
  9. Well I was considering changing my vote to support but not after that comment.
  10. This statless alt says support.
  11. Support
    Make this happen.
  12. No support KaW devs got to hit clubs slap cheeks and throw your burger making bills.:lol:
  13. Koh, you're irrelevant, go play in your sandbox.
  14. It isn't lazy. Those who have thousands of PM's and followers, people you followed, are going to need possibly hours to get through them. Not to mention wall posts.
  15. Support 
  16. I know it's not top priority for little things like this. But would help it be a little more user friendly.