 Destiny 

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by iDeception, Sep 15, 2014.

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  1. Does seem pretty steep, but that's from word of mouth. Mines been pretty easy. 5 strikes without dying, 25/1 kill death ratio in crucible and now up to a weekly strike.
  2. Exotic bounties are crazy random. I've been all the bounties since day 2-ish and have never seen one.

    To add to my earlier post another major flaw is the loot system. I've been grinding or while an have got 2 full set of gear for my Titan while I've only got a single drop for my warlock with is the class I main. I had to grind so hard to get the marks for the other parts. It should give you items or the class you play. Not a class you don't play and have no interest in.
  3. I happened to get an exotic sniper from a legendary engram earlier. I freaked out
  4. The ice breaker?
  5. No, the time and patience. It gives you the radar while scoped and camp while scoped. Haven't upgraded it yet but it looks awesome and works great so far
  6. Give me your luck tom 
  7. I've got hawk moon and working on invective I think it's called, exotic shotgun in crucible will work nice
  8. Yeah, I've got the invective quest but I screwed the pooch when I bought the ammo synthesis. I misread it and thought it was heavy instead of special sooo... I wasted all my glimmer. I've got 15 left to get before I get my invective.
  9. Destiny is kinda dumb right now, already went back to d3
  10. Looking for weekly strike team/possible raid team #xbox1

    Wall our usernames to me on my kaw wall and I'll add ya !! (If not interested ads anyway .... This guy needs friends with an xbox1)
  11. Ps store bought crucible fusion rifle isn't too great, go for shotgun instead all ️
  12. wth is this can someone clarify to me.
  13. If you knew how to read, it says in the op... it's a new game
  14. Don't be fooled by the difficulty rating of the new queen missions. I just solo'd the winter kell mission and the only real annoyance was the shanks got a really powerful shield. If you have a good sniper you can still down them in one shot. Everything does more damage as we'll but as long as you don't play recklessly you won't have to worry about it
  15. I'm hoping to join a group this weekend to try and tackle Vault of Glass.

    Currently working on 2 exotic bounties too, gotta grind for ascendant shards though to upgrade gear.
  16. Tired of destiny, the gear from fwc needs ascendant motes. There's a bug in the game where they are unobtainable. Guess what all my gear is, fwc gear thank you destiny for rear ending me again. Destiny hates me
  17. Wish I could edit but me and my brother snagged a rare jump ship out of a regular loot box lol

    It's called "Laughing Behind Your Back". 
  18. @macros

    Do Tiger level strikes.
  19. I'm trying to build a team for the Vault of Glass if anyone is interested. I'm almost lvl 26 with an exotic pulse rifle
  20. On Xbox 1? I've done like 50 of every strike. Destiny forums say it's bugged
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