A few improvements with allies to help reset builders and n

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by Welcome_to_kaw, Sep 22, 2014.

  1. I haven't used bbcodes in quite a while, so i'd probably fail atthem, i'll learn them again later. I'll also keep this short since no one can comprehend a wall of text. (also wasn't 100% if this belongs here or not)


    What's wrong with it?

    Allies bellow 500m, there are so many shortages of these allies, it's really annoying for new players, and as the population of kaw players grow, the more annoying it becomes to hire an allie for more then 1 second.

    I went looking and there were NO allies avaliable from 5m to 500m, there was 1, but it was getting volleyed. A majority of inactive alts and statless inactive 1st timers are getting volleyed without being asked, this is making a huge hole where no one can get an ally to grow. I'm being forced to hit out full unloads without any bonuses, i have to survive alone on items and 4m an unload. Which i doubt is just happening to me.

    The first and only solution my tiny little mind thought of was this. What if the devs could find some way to generate fake players with starting at certain hire costs? However these hire costs WILL NOT go up, some may go up, but maybe to a certain point, and the fake accounts would have everything disabled other then a plunder bonus.

    And to avoid higher players who hire low costing allies for no reason (there are people who do this… I don't know why) the purchase of these allies could be limited to a certain cs.

    This would allow new players to get allies and be able to grow faster, this would also allow alts and reset builders to grow aswel.

    I feel like this may already be a huge wall of text already to you guys, so I'll stop here. And next time I might include a rainbow and a unicorn .

    Opinions, no support/support and additional ideas about this welcomed.
    But with support or no support please state your reasons.

    Thank you and happy kawing!
  2. A few improvements with allies to help reset builders, new players and alts
  3. No Support horrible idea
  4. I have 16 allies at 415m each. Wtf you talking about?
  5. How about you don't need Allie plunder till 1mil cs
  6. I got a few under 500m take any n quit crying
  7. Support
  8. I dislike your idea - sorry!
  9. I agree with the statement about lacking of low price allies and think there should be something done about it but im not sure if this idea would work or not maybe ask community what other ideas could help the situation