Oracle and it's prices..

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by TGH-IllISick-_-SkillslllI-TGH, Jul 5, 2014.

  1. Sick seriously don't bump. It's already being bumped by other people you don't have to do it.
  2. Support :shock:
  3. I'm pretty sure I'm allowed to bump it. :/
  4. Support.. And big thanks to all the mercs out there. When I first started playing and my clan would be far behind in the Eb, they would roll in and destroy it lol so yea much appreciated :)
  5. It doesn't matter the price if you are not at max plunder.. Op has 6b in allies for past week or more
  6. Ever take into thought that I buy allies, use them and they get sold? And it does matter friend.
  7. I concur, I'm a college student, and I'm living off ramen for Pete's sake! I cannot afford these prices!
  8. I totally agree with you man, prices are way high for what you get... But...

    I've noticed that this thread is from July... And if you wonder why prices are not dropping... Well here are a few facts on an article that I found some time ago... And I think will clear this issue:

    So... ATA is a growing company that knows how to do business... To make 20mil $ in one year, I'd say they are doing a hell of a job!
    As you could see from the article, the pricing are not dropping because they are selling... People are buying... And remember... That article was written when SoD was not invented yet... Now probably they tripled the sales...

    In conclusion they know how to make this profitable... As long as they sell I don't think they will drop prices! So all you can do is not to buy! Simple!

    I spend about 20-30$ a month on this game... For xtalls and some times I buy SoDs to share with my friends in clan... But I never exceed that amount because is not worth it for me... The only way to make SoD profitable is to go to a hte clan and I don't want that, I like to stay with my friends... But for others it is worth the price... Is their choice!, their money... So there is nothing you can do about it... That's life!
  9. Thread follows the same logic as why don't devs give us more free crystals. Say during the holidays you have 1 week to log in to collect your FREE reward. 250k end up logging in to collect 3 free crystals. If 1 crystal is 1$, ATA is losing a potentional of 750k (I think my math is right, I'm drunk and it's 1 MAn.
  10. For a game that makes 20m$ a year don't you think they'd upgrade some quality of the game? Or better yet, change things up a bit? If they make that much they sure don't show it. And they won't be catching 20m$ like that again.
  11. Not all the money that ATA is making comes from KaW... And yes, updates are slow, but is a free market... If you don't like it you don't have to play it, or buy it... you can play free as well... All I want to say is that ATA is free to chose their own prices... This is not a company owned by government lol I'm not working for ATA don't worry... This is just my opinion and that's how I see things!