Indi warriors have all had that problem where he/she is put into a clan with no WCs or Trackers. Here is an idea to fix it. Description: Two spells will be added to the game. One will be called "War Commander - No." and the other "Tracker - No." These spells will be given to certain warriors by the players warring with them. At the end of each Indi war, whether win or lose, players will be allowed to "vote" for a capable WC/Tracker. For example, I WC-ed in Indi War 0 and the players thought that I've done a good job. They can go to my profile and vote a "+1" for me. For every +1 I get, I will get the "War Commander" spell. The number at the back of the spell indicates the amount of +1s one gets. The same process goes for trackers. With this, for every indi war, each team will be sorted with at least 1 player with the War Commander and 1 player with the Tracker spell. This way, both teams will be able to war better. Risks/Challenges: 1)Players don't like this idea 2)Devs don't like this idea 3)Problems with how the WCs and Trackers are sorted CRITICISMS ARE WELCOMED Sorry, no fancy BB codes and pictures. Just wanted to get the message across.
I don't think it's a bad idea. However, everyone should learn how to track and war command. That way if you're ever stuck without either, you can step up. It's very frustrating watching nobody step up and everybody just keep posting "Do we have a WC and Tracker?"
How about a spell that says I will inactive *yes* or *no*...I seem to get all the inactives in my clan
You are not the first that comes up with an idea like that... and like others you are trying to make WC/tracker being an "official" thing! well is not gonna work... I also wanted to be mandatory to have an minimum 1 xtall or 10 nob point to cast WOC in indi wars, this way you know that everyone has one and can use it in war! (if you don't because of war circumstances that's another thing) but... they say xtall use in war are just optional... but everyone knows that is a must if you want to win! Same thing here... WC and tracker are also optional... you can war without... of course same as xtall can cost you the war... but hey, that's kaw! So deal with it... not gonna happen bro!
Love the idea of wc and tracker spell would help alot if each team has a leader, even help the war noobs improve in war.
I have been wc before when it was 2 hours of prep and I used every minute of it and still wasnt finished completely... what we need to do is have capable people do it instead of slow people like me
No support, some people are fantastic wc/tracker but they dont want to lead every war they sign up for, this idea will force them to lead or sit out of wars
Support Bud Problem is sometimes u are in a clan with 2 WC and 3 Trackers but no one has time to do it, cause of time and size of roster. Does this mean they are commited to always work for the clan or are they free to step up by will?