Clan Loyalty Idea

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by Kronos, Aug 24, 2014.

  1. Wars unite n create loyalty if well organized n ppl enjoy them.
  2. I'm all for clan improvements but let me stress something I don't see said often. Trinkets baubles and shinies can only buy loyalty for so long. True unwavering loyalty isn't going to come from ideas or abilities. If people aren't being loyal its not because of game mechanics. Its because they are not loyal.
  3. A lot of this is just too much for the devs at one time though, however, for an extremely long time it has been proposed that there be more ranks for clans. I totally feel this should be done, at least give a co-owner more than just a title or something.
  4. Kaw pls learn how to forgive learn Thx
  5. I'd like this idea if It wasn't for the indi wars. With paying to leave clan and entering, it would become more expensive just to war.
  6. Not bad, Support!
  7. Great idea lets get devs to read this
  8. So itd cost to visit allied clans, friends clans, or just try luck once in awhile eq hunting or just helping random clans out great idea. NOT.

    Horrid idea.
  9. No Support.
  10. Good idea but clan fees are a bad idea due to mercs like me
  11. What happened to just plain old fashion loyalty ? Why do you need an incentive to be loyal to those loyal to you ?
  12. If your clan cant maintain it's members maybe you need to change the structure of how you run it?
  13. Though a clan vault has been proposed before and would be a good idea if DEVS came up with clan based equip or Ebs that could be bought with the collective pool of gold. But as for giving items, equip etc for one to be loyal to his/her clan? Loyalty is earned not bought
  14. Support but the joining and leaving fees should have an on and off switch that the owner can change :)