 Destiny 

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by iDeception, Sep 15, 2014.

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  1. Level 23.
  2. I have to agree about the wolfenstein ai... Wow...
  3. Level 26 almost 27, 5 legendaries one exotic 
  4. Me and my dad are about to play it soon. I wonder if it has the same storyline as COD
  5. So Destiny multiplayer is a blast if you play with friends! You can mess around and try to run people over with your Star Wars cars 
  6. I'm lvl10 Titan. Fun game
  7. I'm a lvl 9 hunter atm, just played Rumble and demolished some level 22 guys. Was on top 22-11
  8. Destiny is good
  9. It's ok.. I expected to much of it though..
  10. Its too much of a grind to get in the hight twenties.
    I'm lvl 28 myself and it was a pain in the ass lmao
  11. One question yet to be answered... Wth is the Armoury for?
  12. I am unsure, I know dlc came with the day one vanguard armory and its was just a pack of lame weapons
  13. All around destiny is a great game. PvP kill time is in the middle of CoD and halo while the speed of the gameplay leaning to the CoD side. Only real complaints here are that the pikes are a bit OP if you know how to use them and the netcode can be a bit funky at times.

    PvE is pretty fun but the game does feel a bit repetitive. "go here. Now fight off the bad guys while I decrypt this." followed by "now move over here while and fight off the bad guys while I open this." then the actual campaign is a little short. Only about 12-15 hours worth and the end was kind of open ended (DLC / expantion to finish it and close the loose ends?) That said it was one of the most enjoyable campaigns I have played in a while and the breathtaking skyboxes didn't hurt it either.

    Overall I would give this game a solid 8 out of 10.
  14. Supposedly there have 5 years (I think it was 5) worth of dlc planned
  15. I'm loving this game. I'm lvl 22 and my brother is 24.

    Whoever said level system is broken has no idea what they're talking about.

    If you want better equip then do tougher strikes.

    I get plenty head shots with my pulse rifle also. Weapons even in the same category will have different attributes and upgrades.

    Vanguard Armory good stuff is locked away behind reputation and marks. The same with vanguard mentors and crucible quartermaster.

    You can only earn marks after level 18 though. There are also 3 city factions that offer some decent equipment. Again these items can only be earned through reputation.

    The only thing this game has in common with CoD is that it's a FPS. It has plenty of content outside of main storyline with plenty more to come. It's a game I'm going to be enjoying for a while.
  16. I have a lot of the future war cult legendary armor. I found it easier to earn compared to vanguard and crucible marks because you can do both strikes and vanguard missions to gain levels and it takes half as many crucible marks to buy equipment.
  17. Destiny is a game that ranks up there with KaW.
  18. Destiny is fun all around. PVP and PVE. New 6 man raid released on the sept. 16th and expansion pack before the new year. This could be a great long term MMOFPS.
  19. Good game especially when playing with friends. Sitting at lvl 24 now and it's a bit of a grind to get any higher.

    But they should've had a bigger campaign and more strikes. Seems like they're just trying to make money with all the future dlc to come.

    I find it a mix between halo and borderlands. Nothing like CoD
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