Scroll Drop Rates Increased

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by [ATA]Grant, Aug 13, 2014.

  1. Who cares about scrolls now 
  2. Still haven't seen the increase in drop rates will it be soon devs or on the next announcement
  3. New eb be beta .
  4. Or maybe the increase off drops would be better. That's why this topic is being discussed- "scroll drop rates increased" not "scroll drop rates increased or should we come out with another eb?". P.S. increase them drops please.
  5. Make scroll drop rates the same as hte aqua and inferno
  6. Haven't had a single drop since this lol
  7. I had relics and scroll drop from AFF yesterday and they still are not in my profile. Can you help me kawcom?
  8. What the heck are scrolls?¿?¿
  9. They don't care period. Please kaw_munity remove this useless post.
  10. I don't see it getting any easier getting the scrolls... The devs seem to be taking us for a tide.

    DEAR DEAR, please be reasonable with the scroll drop rate... Please.
  11. These scrolls seem to drop to peeps who already have enchanted equipment...harnt had a scroll drop in almost 3 weeks of b2b ss amd ts:/
  12. Drop rate increased my butt. One scroll for there peeps out of 100. So exactly how is it easier than ever to get scrolls?
  13. my scroll rates have doubled, double nothing???
  14. Current drop rate = 0%
    X = Multiplier

    Current drop rate * X = 0%

    Still impossible.
  15. Increase the drop rate of attk builds too. Spy builds are more likely to get their drop than an attk build. Play fair devs!
  16. Idk why you're all crying. i get a scroll nearly every other ss/ts, definitely a noticeable change in drop rate. Thanks devs
  17. There you go. Noob says. 1 out of how many. Lol. Rookie.
  18. .003/1,000 increased to 1/1000. Yay.
  19. Please increase scroll drop rates like you say....How can I do b2b summoner SS for a week and not get a scroll being active every EB and I have EE that's supposed to increase drops....please increase the rate thank you
  20. 3 scrolls in 100 or so SS. According to my exact calculations. Eh **** it