-Medallions Count first Week S4-

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Majin_Venom, Sep 6, 2014.

  1. 13, havent done morning wars
  2. 19 medallions
    11 wins 2 lose
  3. 15 medals
    9 wins 6 losses
  4. 3 indi wins 1round loss 1 primal loss

    3/7 Medallions
  5. 0 medals

    0/0 win loss

    Sadly my timezone gets no wars at decent times.
  6. 4 medallions
    2 indi wins and 1 primal win
  7. Im still waiting for the medal spell ;) were the devs , already 1 week of S4, so important season and they have not release any news, some one send a search
  8. 19 medals

    5-5 in primal

    7-8 in Indy

    1-0 in round
  9. 32. Idk I lost count of wars
  10. 34 so far, no clue on actual record, but most came fron primal wars
  11. 1.

    0-3 indy (dsv messup ftw)
  12. 4 medals. 3/8 all indi. 1 medal refunded by devs after system error.