A small gold reward depending on your size would be kinda cool. Claim it once every 24 hrs. Just a few hundred million maybe. MAX
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I was in an indi war when i bumped into ______________iReg___________ , when a bully is a bully, he does not care how about others people feels. Instead he just want to fulfilled what he desires. Being a leader in Regulators and have some strong OSW alliance he does not show a good example perhaps asked "my main" to crystal and let him plunder to win an indi war. He won at last when i crystal in a close war, what is the meaning of winning when he is cheating? I feel sorry to rest of my clanmates in that war, i told some peoples and ______________iReg___________ caught me. Then he farmed stripped my main. I am here to advise the rest, do not give up to these bullies when u met them because u are going to create more bullies if you do so. Help the rest to help yourself, the World would be better! The future is in our hand!