20 nobility points 2 days 50 nobility points 7 days 200 nobility points 28 days Well I know to be perm at clan is the best protection, but there is many example what shows sometimes it isn't enough. There are many 'dead' perm inactive pro packed accounts I've seen in kaw, what most of them became inactive bcoz of the headless farm they got for any reason. I'm one of them who like playing kaw, but for some reason I getting farmed all the time for even cc chat misunderstanding. I freq pay for seals xtals (everything else been bought at the beginning with a big effort im not gonna be farmed bcoz these propacks gonna be enough to protect myself against farmers).Yes I'm farming too others, but never did for fun. I just have realised there are many who thinking this an other way. I pay for those things bcoz I believe it can be more enjoy able to play with this game. Like doing wars or doing the best plunder EB. My perm farmer farming me for a posted advertisement what also just doj g rarely when the clan expect of me. so I don't really fell it fare to having farmed for helping others game, while my game nobody don't care. They are feel good bcoz they got plus sealers by my speaker what I used for them or got a good statistic owned acct by it. But what about me???? There are many like this. I can afford to pay for seal and xtal, well not 100 of them but some. If its there a opportunity to protect my self with active spell than I would pay for that as well. I guess this setting is afford able and got issue to think about it. Thanks for reading
No! If you're suggesting that you can stop people attacking you this has to be one of the worst ideas I have seen. You are proposing to remove the foundations of which this game was built and make it far superior to eb fairys. No. I cannot tell you how much I disagree with this.
lol op you're such a nublet learn to <3 pvp or stay hidden. ive been farmed for months before by entire clans and i always come back for more.. then again i might be a sado though.. hmm
would you? lol he was hit a couple times in wc roulette, threatened the hitter with being farmed by three clans, hitter called his bluff and this is where we are.
OP this could never happen bc players who. Spend money would "hide" every single night and **** with people everyday and ppl would have to suck it up the way it is no one is untouchable. Best method to not having to worry about it is to not piss ppl off.
Lol, yah rich people should be able to farm anyone they want and not get hit back. Cuzza they are rich. Talk about KAW affluenza.
Dearest op... I disagree with your post for many reasons. These include but are not limited to the fact it would completely eliminate any fun in pvp. It's would create the worst imbalance in wealth throughout this game that we have ever seen. It would be the worst update ever and I personal do not respect you for this idea. The game is kingdoms at war Ps: this is not clash of clans... -_-
If you want protection from that then make it so you can't do any actions yourself. No gain except delaying the pain.