Shattered Sword Addition

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by Davey_Jones, Sep 3, 2014.

  1. I would like to see shattered sword be given to players who forget to equip for individual wars. In the last 2 days, there has been 4 players in 3 wars who forgot to equip.

    They are a useless leak and are deserving of shattered sword.
  2. Didn't mean to post and not on pc so I will continue...

    The system could not automatically detect these players, but we could feedback or email in names.
  3. Get out.
  4. Idk why I said that. Seemed like all the cool kids were.
  5. I agree Val's a cool kid, but all of them? Alison's A DIRTY SWINE PIG LOVING SWINE WAR RUNNER.
  6. No support to any post by the troll cuz thats what he does
  7. I just copied alison cuz I didn't wanna be a filthy pig anymore :(
  8. you vultures, how dare you mock her WAR RUNNER WAR RUNNER, DIRTY SWINE RUNNER PIG WAR RUNNER!
  9. I agree. Get out.
  10. No you get out
  11. I live here now. With the swines, and
    Pigs, and war runners.
  12. Coming from the guy than has done nothing but ***** about Indies and claimed he wouldn't do them except cast alts and do the bare minimum. Um, okay then.

    Support anyway
  13. Yeah indys suck ass.

    This is part of the reason.
  14. I support you troll
  15. You must be high...


  16. Troll your such a negative person. Your all over forums trashing peoples ideas and it is getting quite over excessive.
  17. He is giving creative criticism. If you can't handle that then get out.