[UPDATE] iOS v1.67

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by [ATA]Grant, Sep 2, 2014.

  1. thanks for this update, was seriously considering buying another android phone just to see the items 
  2. Is working fine for me prime, no crashes or major bugs/glitches yet
  3. I agree wth several people, there should be some sort of update to comepensate with iOS7's various bugs and glitches. On the other hand, hopefully many of the bugs we have experienced are now gone! :)
  4. We need a android mage upgrade, every time you upgrade you have to refresh the page...
  5. Does new update also show scroll drops?
  6. Haven't had any issues with it so far
  7. Please do something about android this game is so poor on android its lags a lot this is bad when it comes to war also the visuals for banners etc is not great. Please just let us know if you guys plan on updating android to make it more suitable any time soon? Thanks
  8. Can we get some updates on the 5t price drop please and on the no match up issues
  9. There's.a iOS 8
  10. I don't detect any lagg what so ever in my android. Only reasonable way is that you dont take care of your property and load useless stuff to phone. Etc. Thanks :) . And kaw I hope you know what you are doing. Sometimes things you update is negativer than it previously were.
  11. I don't really care about seining it in epic battle history...I want to see it in the marketplace/Mage where we can sell it back to you!
  12. Dev I luv u 5evr <4
  13. Anyone else realize they released an iOS 8 update prior to apples official street date of iOS 8...... Hmmmm wonder what apple had to say about developers leaking iOS info
  14. You can't be serious. please quote in the OP where they "leak" information. I don't know about you but I have been aware there would be an ios 8 for a while. if you learn to count it comes after 7. Use your Brain please.
  15. No chad. I work in enterprise IT with apple engineers daily. Anytime you ask about anything iOS 8 related you are shot down unless you are an apple registered developer.

    Now anyone with a brain knows it is coming and is part if the big apple announcement.

    All the developers and beta people have access to iOS 8 right now. That doesn't mean that the ghost of Steve jobs likes when people release their compatible apps prior to the actual release of the new iOS. It's not my job to police this just ironic that ATA does this while others get banned for doing the same thing. The apple development world is full of paradoxes.
  16. @finnish, you detect no lag because you dont war... as for taking care of ny property how would you know? But for your infomation i have the s5 its only a couple of weeks old and i look after it very well thank you. I aslo close down all other baground running apps to try and make wars a little less laggy. Also i am aware that ios suffers from the lag in the wars as well but experiencing it on both software's i can say android lags more.
  17. And as you can see still not quite used to typing :p sorry for the error's
  18. @Paris Galaxy S5 don't lag at all in EE wars.
  19. Mine does maybe its my wifi then. I just know war in general on android is not as good as ios