This might have been brought up before, but could the money from joining go to the higher ranked players?
Anyone else think that this would be fairly difficult for the devs to implement into the game? There's a lot of small bugs that go unnoticed or are ignored. A major game addition such as this would just be... ludicrously revolutionary I love the idea though.
Clan armory is sounds like a good idea but I don't think there should be equip in there. People bust there buts hunting equip just trying to get lucky and sometimes this is one of my favorite parts in equip hunting because of the feeling of success you get when you finally get it. I don't think this should be removed from the game, what should be in the clan armory like chief said mith for clans and spells for the whole clan now these spells can vary maybe a spell to increase the clans chance on drops or atk bonuses, if Blood Rains get removed maybe even a Plunder spell. Now these spells won't be cheap I'm guessing 600bil-5Tril depending on the spell. How does the clan get this money? Here comes your idea of a clan vault I read a different thread on this and the way the clan gets money is a tax of 5% of final EB profit don't know the players name but I give props to his idea. Example: Total profit from EB 150bil 5 percent of that would be 7.5 billion this might not be much but with higher paying EBs would be more profitable. For lower EB clans there could be a lower costing spells but maybe the idea of buying clan items like clan walls that would give defense bonuses for clan members this could cost maybe 3 trillion for lv 1 and it can give 3% on first level. Other items could be clan market that gives the clan plunder bonuses these clan upgrades will cost way more then spells since these are permanent. Another idea could be maybe clan cannons that would only unlock when you clan walls are a certain level and this would give atk bonus. I could already imagine how war would be like with these extra small bonuses. Maybe to unlock clan armory you have to finish a certain tier in EBs. I don't think clan vaults can bring exploits since you can only waste the money on clan upgrades and if they can become a problem maybe change the gold into silver coins as the currency for clan upgrades. Your 3rd idea I give no support at all since it would be problems with mercs. Clan ranks which should be called clan titles can give bonuses to clan members here comes your loyalty, if a member has been in clan for more than 3 months the owner can decide to give a Loyal Member title that gives 3% plunder bonus it should not rise above that since it would already be to much with clan spells, clan upgrades and blood rains plunder bonus. Other clan titles can be Owner/Co-Owner/Head Admin/ New member and maybe these titles can have special colors in CC I might be pushing it there though. What shall these titles give? Plunder bonus and maybe you should have a certain number of Loyal members to unlock these plunders. Owners plunder can be raised by 7%, Co-Owner 6%, Head admin 5%, and new members 2%. New members lose there extra bonus after a week in the clan. And if they have been in the clan before they don't get another. What if someone makes a clan just for the 7% bonus? Maybe you have to have 10 loyal members to unlock new members bonus then 15 loyal members to unlock head admin exedra. Let me know what you think guys
I also forgot to add wars could plunder your clan vault if you win a war maybe you get 10% of the other clans savings this could make wars interesting and I think would bring more PvP to KaW.
No support. These ideas will make kaw more static and why would you want that? How many more ebs would fail without people floating in and out of clans? Some clans need the temporary extra punch to be able to finish an eb. Without it they are stuck grinding a single particular tier. Just that fact would cause bigger players to leave for a bigger clan. Its also not just mercs who from time to time like to spook a noob clan by jumping into their hard fought war with calydor and smashing it into smithereens in seconds before saying RAAAR in their cc and leaving. Enforced loyalty also removes some of the rewarding pressure of being an admin. Helping to build and maintain a clan doubles your kaw time if not loads more which is great if you are a kaw addict. Its not just about growing yourself... ...which leads me to something I always seem to wonder. Why do ppl submit endless convoluted ideas which basically translate into 'I want more gold for less time and effort'? How much fun is there in actually being build complete? Wanting to be there is what drags many of us through the game. It would be like those times you take an awesome road trip but the destination ends up being a bit meh. Also its nice to be able to visit old clans, see old faces.. well old handles whose faces you imagine And should you be penalised (careful typing that) for joining a clan that through no fault of your own slowly dwindles due to inactives?
i dont like the paying for in and out part. does that mean that mercs like me have to pay tons a day?
The clan pays in was a throw about idea, owners of the clan could make it so that you don't have to pay to get in or leave etc