Re: Primal Last post on this thread,idc which kind a format is available for war,if I have time and I can war and chance to war with some one then still I will war.has to b only one hr though.Dun like osw,I am too old to active in osw 24/7
Re: Primal Two weeks of primals and look at all the moaning. We sat through two seasons of your 3 lb 9 sh roster ******** My god
Re: Primal Medieval_Marauder grats on Shattered Sword Well earned...178m loss...nice inactive leak Life moves on as u do as well SAYONARA lol
Re: Primal If not the wc then sit back n relax while the wc does the lions share of the work. Aaah the ppl clamoured for less wait time n u cry for more. Aah darn the devs obliged n also full regen as well. FYI is it not 43mins for both clans n therefore equal? Equal for both clans n we cannot have that oh no no. Take it up with the petitioners who got their wish in the 1st place n place the blame where it originated or be silent. Welcome to war with an eb build Seriously tho GL n Enjoy the war
Re: Primal 1 hour is not enough time for indi wars, especially when devs disband and change rosters around 10-20min into matchups, also devs should lower earlier war roster numbers for primals.