I'm a kid that does not have $$$ so if I come bck on kaw and see my acc is gone ill quit the game for real.so thisvgame is on Googleplay
If kaw shuts down ill have no game to play cuz my main acc on pimd is permslienced for being 16 unfair I'm.close to losing my cool here!!!!!! My bdsy is on 12/16/14 forying out loudthe tea pot has steam coming out of it. Warning?
Devs, my patience is getting low ill give up on pimd soon. I'm a. Forgiving person I waited so long to come bck to pimd and I get slienced for being 16 unfair I g et attached to games etc so just know my heart is in half right now
So kaw is the only thinkingape game I can play now how sad resorted to playing. This game well better than nothing I guess
Oh pimd u are dead 2 me that's a screwed up game pimd go join gaw,fc cuz I hate pimd lamest game ever
Screw pimd die in ditch I won't care I'm quitting pimd forever. Just delete my accs on pimd ppl never coming bck
Not regerting. A thing. I know a few ppl who are under17+ I'm almost I could tell u but I'm banned fro. Pimd just cuz I'm. 16 not 17 :