(idea mainly for Indie Wars but would be usable in all EE wars) Casting WoC would cost 1 xtal. That xtal would then be available to use in the upcoming war as a "war xtal". If NOT used then it is forfeited. This would keep people from signing up and warring w/o an xtal.
No. Because people don't want to spend money for wars. They are for fun. It's like saying you have to pay to war. Dumb.
You do need to pay to war on a regular basis This idea is sound, but you shouldn't be forced to use a xtal Just have one to war
"This is a war game no reason for people to spend money to war" Lol your joking right? Ebs where ment to be for fun noy war war is a big part of Kingdoms at "war" This is NOT kingdoms of epic battles Op idea is actually good one it also might reduce the number of In-actives It's not a great idea but it's an idea worth looking into
Dude, xstals were never required to system war, so, why are they required now? Stop complaining about those who don't have xstals in indi. You signed up for it knowing if the risk, you took it. Deal with it. ️
I think it should be the other way around... When you cast WoC you get a xtal for the war. If it isn't used then it disappears when the war is over.
^ that'd kill devs income. But I do like the idea. And if you don't use it, you can't get another till it's used on a war.
I was saying that if it isn't used then it disappears. So after the war ends, all xtals given would be returned if not used.
I hate warring without xtals, but wth devs created indi for all to participate, including us cheap noobs. And weird enough, no more xtal give away since indi have started. If anything war xtals should be rewarded to active warriors, and then paying butthurts would have all the rights to farm me for casting woc without a xtal
It will reduce the amount of people warring thus causing more no matches as their is less people warring mmmmk
Thing is…alot of people are casting for indiwar not wanting to xstal…but hoping others do so they can get their free EE and mith …kind of hypocritical if you ask me
Unfortunately people complaining most likely dont war with a xstal. So the big issue in indy wars are inactives are xstals. However if this is not implemented then it will continue to be an issue in the war system. A new list of inactives and non xstallers will be good for s4 as it will provide a list of ppl who war without xstals so wc know what they have to deal with during these wars
This idea is stupid. Doing this would turn the game into a pay to play, with a few free parts to it. I doubt that if this was implemented that war participation would go up at all, if anything it would drop.