An app that is easier than photobucket

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by LlamaWhale, Sep 1, 2014.

  1. I have an app that is way easier to use then photobucket and you don't have to sign into it! It's called "Image Link". And then download a resized app if needed.

    Step 1- Download the app
    Step 2- Click on the square once app is opened
    Step 3- choose a photo
    Step 4- press on the bottom "make link"
    Step 5- wait for it to load then copy link

  2. I am also a user of that app! Great thread and steps! support!
  3. Thanks lone wolf
  4. A forum post about picture posting and OP doesn't post a picture lol. Add some effort next time please especially if your trying to sway someone to use it. Screenshots of the app would also be useful
  5. Ah sorry lol.
  6. isnt this against tou? (third party advertising)
  7. ^ so why is it allowed to make guides with photobuckit then?
  8. Ya it isn't third part advertising.
  9. this isnt exactly a guide.. its showing off an appin a way that looks like advertising d:
  10. Well, photobucket isn't that great lately... I've had this notification for weeks!

  11. What the hect is that old man licking a Popsicle like that for? LOL
  12. Well...I failedīŒ’
  13. Remember to put [​IMG] around the link.

  14. That pic is sweet!