Tier 5 Level 4 Attack Buildings Now Available

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by [ATA]Grant, Aug 22, 2014.

  1. Just when I think I'm getting close to hlbc at least…
  2. They can't please all of us at once buck. And think of it this way, spy builds have time to gather funds because [bold] we [/bold] were warned in advance. The attack builds lack this advantage.
  3. Bb codes will be my downfall.
  4. I'm just hoping this will give us some decent stats. If so, this wait won't be regretted lol. Objectively, Look at it this way, a non towered balanced attack build, can have nearly 50m CS now.

    While a maxed spy barely can reach 30m.
    Give us a nice stat boost devs, many of your customers will be happy, just saying.️
  5. I agree chaos. Although I wouldn't mind the plunder bonuses that attack builds are reporting. More plunder on EB and ee would be great.
  6. I think that the T5L4 upgrades give the same (or virtually the same) stat increase as T6L2 buildings for the same price. But a T6L2 upgrade gives me access to more upgrades to that line of buildings. The T5L4 upgrades are a dead end. So I will continue to focus on the horefrost lands and if I ever get those completed, then I'll focus on T5 buildings again.
  7. Aww who am I kidding. I will never be build complete. Realized that after the HF lands were released. This game was more fun when being "build complete" was a realistic goal. Now, for me, it's just about OSW. ️
  8. I am hoping that Volary lv 4 will have at least decent amount of stats I know devs will always favor Attack Builds over us Hansels but at least try be eually fair for both builds we are paying customers here.
  9. Devs please let us know your plans for the spy building release. You have impatient people waiting!
  10. Spy stats always been lower than troop stats, surely t5 lvl4 vols will be in line with other building! Pretty nice to get new spies..those volary ladies in lvl3 aint that scary XD
  11. Devs should make next spy upgrade 75-100 bill as the stats aren't as good as the attack buildings.
  12. Thought to devs: make this lvl 4 ug slightly better for hansels then it is for attack builds, either that or make the stats even , do not further spread the gap between us (I wanna see lb one day)
  13. The gap is already spread insanely . Spy builds get all the mith equipment so it's about time attack builds get something .

  14. I retort, sir.

    SH, get all the Mithril, very few big spies rarely.
    Look up, "Kyle2006" a SH who had 5,000 Mithril to max all new alchemist set. I have yet to purchase one, maybe I'm noob

    Don't let the smaller builds on one side of the scale be representation of spies as a whole on kaw or EE, especially the big spies. We alone have adapted and struggled to survive in EE from season to season. We have sucked it up changing from ADT, to heavy SDT, and it has resulted in us warring as PS only now. Many would call having less actions, less fun, but few stand to complain.

    Regardless, A stat boost above the norm would assist this player base tremendously. Not only in EE, but osw as well since big spies are highly demanded. 
  15. Full support to my brother at arms, chaos. There have been wars that i would finish in top 10 plunder on 20man roster with NO att build up and only get about 15-20 mith gross, not net. Net pay of probably 10 if that considering i must also hide allies before war, which i dont get paid back for. Please give spies a boost in stats this time around, if for no other reason than the huge wait your making us go through.
  16. What's with all the new stuff for atk builds all the time? Can't spies get new stuff when atk builds do too? Come on devs. You used o love spy builds. Why work so hard to pls the top 10 to 20%? Oh wwell. Guess I'll wait huh!
  17. Similar stat ug's n Price for spy buildings pls.
    As said above Spy builds get more eb plunder in the trade off.
  18. Gotta be a new EB coming out that pays crazy good or devs boutta get alot of my money.
  19. Now I just wait for towers to be upgraded.
  20. Why didn't all the hl buildings get a lvl4 at the same time?devs your so out of touch with the gaming world.sell app too someone tgat cares about it's customers and be quick about it.