Clan Loyalty Idea

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by Kronos, Aug 24, 2014.

  1. I had an idea for this... make contracts for those who come into clan the person coming in sets it up. They say they will come to clan for x amount of days (hrs for mercs.) Admins and owner can click agree. if they leave early then a pop up will appear asking them to pay a fee to the clan. If they stay time of contract or longer their leave is free.
  2. ^Interesting idea, that would be beneficial but would it spark loyalty? I don't think so. I might add this but loving the feedback guys keep it up
  3. Redeagle runs an hte clan lol
  4. Good idea, support
  5. The devs are too busy thinking of new promos to eat up our cash...
  6. Some ideas really good , although i dont think we need to pay to leave or join a clan, support :)
  7. Vault idea does sound somewhat appealing, IF it could be used for strips too.

    When a clan owns you they get your stats withdrawn from eb or something so they serve a purpose after the strip.
  8. I think it's important to acknowledge the the effort put into the thread. At least Kronos is working on an innovative plane rather than sitting back and complaining. I have to say that, in my view, loyalty can't be bought, bartered, or sold. Nor will it be created by the presence of a negative consequence. Loyalty, much like trust, must be built, and earned. It's been my experience that it can also be lost very quickly. The jumping of players from clan to clan suggests freedom rather than the absence of loyalty. In fact, if there were not some degree of loyalty, no one would have clans to come back to. If loyalty in KAW is truly waning, so is effective leadership.
  9. What a well articulated comment to respond to. I suppose that maybe Loyalty isn't the word then, but I just feel that clans need members that don't jump from clan to clan, especially as recently a clan ran b2b HTE with FFA items on PH2, yet as soon as it had no seals everyone jumped ship. I just wish players would think twice before leaving a clan
  10. What if when you join cannot join another clan for two days? That would keep the ones that jump from clan to clan, in one spot.
  11. I like this ideas OP but how about mercs who help out clans?
  12. What. Then the clan hiring the Merc could pay a fee to have the Waiting period removed. Hence hiring the Merc. And the Merc can't pay himself.
  13. I understand people want clan loyalty but paying to enter and even not outrageous pay to leave? Just is dumb give bonuses for staying in one clan instead if paying like it's some dumb mafia protection gang house
  14. What about the owner being able to wave the fee? Or suspend it for a short time.

    Ppl are going to want to war outside the clan on and when...and might be pissed if they always had to pay.

    Support idea!!
  15. Paying to leave is a good idea so people won't come and get quick gold and leave and the gold would go to the clan bank or whatever
  16. No, there are clans that endorse getting quick gold. Just you can't join another for a little while.

    Or you get bonuses for staying, and small mandatory fee for leaving.
  17. Although I think some ideas could be good I don't really support them. Clan loyalty is as good as the clan you are in. If you like it you are loyal. If not you leave. Paying a fee will only
    Make people feel stuck. The vault could lead to exploits.

    My opinion is to join a clan that plays the game you like. There are many great eb/PVP/war clans out there. Try some out.