Season 4 Coming Soon!

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by [ATA]Grant, Aug 22, 2014.

  1. Why is equip being rewarded same as s3
  2. You're doing primal wars in s4 to get equipment that you can't use in said wars... Anybody else fall off their beds laughing at that realisation? 
  4. This game is sinking really really baad!!!! Thanks devs for turning this game into a fairy tale published by Ape heads
  5. Primal wars and indi wars have at least a 90% fair match up rate, compared to regular clan wars, unless you have a problem with a fair war, what's the big issue? These wars are now all about strategy to win and not decided right at matchup!
  6. Where can I find war times for this week? Same as last week?
  7. Totally agree Mario

    How about devs bring out a Clan War Tournament after S4. Announce when ASAP so War Clans can get on it n look forward to it.
    Spread over 1-2 weeks as needed in a Tiered format maybe. Say 3 levels of Tiers

    Any support or ideas on this y'all?
  8. In all fairness to those Big LB's n the BFA/BFE they've earned an event along these lines would give their builds the fun of ALL out war.

    I cannot see why something cannot be created for a blast to the past. Its very obvious on these forums their is a large amount of pleas for them.

    So Devs u can find the time i'm sure
  9. Nothing says the current war format stays the same.

    Eg Duration: 2-4hrs
    Classic or Random
    Xtals: 1/hr of war
    BFA/BFE on
    DTS/DTW on with no build adv for SH
    ( eg: Builds have /- hit range 15m)
    ALLY buying closed @ LOCKDOWN

    Rough ideas for parameters
  10. System wars same principal. But for the massive(and probably most xstal/nob users...pssst Devs yup Us) Off System War veterans want a true Promo for Us. Your ViP of Kaw. Make Kingdoms at War be just that. All out War. If u get on world chat instant join into war. Something. Anything. I know coding this and time that, but you will get richer and level the fields all at the same time. OsW PvP...spend some time on it. 1 year could of made Kaw a stable of the Gaming industry. Stay dERtY© my friends
  11. Wasn't there a pre season schedule posted? Has it been removed?
  12. Okay so indi wars are a joke, as they are "fair" they really are not. Every single war you do is a coin flip. And all indi war winners are decided at mostly at the start. If you have EE'd before as long as I have since EE was ever introduced, you can distinguish warriors; and most of the time whoever side gets the better warriors, gets a good tracker, a WC or the better LB, they will most likely win. It is 'fair' but in reality it isn't. A coin flip is fair? Most would say yes, as you have statistically 50% chance of winning and losing every single flip, however, how is a coin flip fair for all the dedicated loyal EE warriors that have worked so hard through about 2 years to get where are now, just to war with the noob with 1 mil in spy towers, just to war with the noob that shows up 30min into the war, to war with the noob that doesn't follow directions, to a war with the noob that doesn't have the right EE build, with the noob that doesn't have enough money for xtals or enough mith to cast, and many more.. so is that 'fair', no I'm sorry but a coin flip is not fair to me.. I have worked too hard through all these years to have to go through a coin flip to determine the winner.

    Where primals go... just give it a couple of weeks and roster manipulation will come. Clan owners will adjust and those clans that adjust will keep winning, and the whiners will keep whining so long they keep losing to clans that adjust.. when realistically, insidethose clans/ people that whine will just be jealous or frustrated they didn't think about out it first.

    P.s. I'm generally speaking as that's what tends to Happen with EE wars.
    First tower builds were exploited, however they were a 'legal' way to war. Too many ppl complained, devs tried to fix and tower build mechanics no longer worked for EE.
    Second, LB stacking and roster manipulation started and devs narrowed match making so it won't be too flop sided.. this process has taken years for devs to get it as it is now, not saying it is perfect, nut i will hand it to them, it has significantly improved.
    third (and not lastly, as i'm sure i have missed some), ppl tried doing LB/ SH devs are doing now primals and indi..

    someone will come up with something to exploit the primal wars, don't doubt it.. so not for one second think that primals are a solution to exploits or roster manipulation.. they will happen and you will whine so long you're not part of it, or not smart enough, or 'right build' to get in it.
    and not for one second think that indi wars are any better, as a coin flip to win is not a solution to anything.
  13. Noob*** not noon

    Auto correct kept changing noob to noon.
  14. I dunno i love indy war,bcoz this is the only war i can do, bcoz of my war build. No clan accept itbcoz its "leaking"others are say it. Thats it..... but im hell good category. And this is the reason i do it. There i need to fight against my size and it isnt the same when a 35-40m cs gey on your account bcoz of others argueement. Yeah and two of that even.
  15. Im saying who dont like indy ever was farming smaller, ps or sh to win but when get against the same size is follow and request cf. This is my opponion avout those who dont like indy.
  16. And this is exactly what i'm talking about...

    but HEY! now EVERYONE can war... Screw clan wars!! roster manipulation is now FINALLY over... (sarcasm can be funny sometimes)

    wait NVM, there are clan wars, there's primals!! lol you have worked so hard for 2 years to get bfa bfe and towers so that bfa and bfe are nullified, when essentially the whole purpose of EE is to get exclusive equipment through hard earned mith from wars.. so much for exlusive now though...

    not to mention, ironically, primals pretty much cater the HFBC, PS and sh only now.. until new warring methods are developed, all mids in kaw are secluded from these wars as they will get demolished by bigs or PS. but then again, roster manipulation at that point will start to happen all over again.

    devs if you just want to make it easy, save yourself a headache and cater to everybody's needs.. just do all 3 different types of war for S4, 2 each per day and do timezones everyone in the world (ahem, asia and austrialia) can also enjoy.