Tier 5 Level 4 Attack Buildings Now Available

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by [ATA]Grant, Aug 22, 2014.

  1. It's a game guys. They are expanding the game for us. Don't complain cause you can't max out all lands immediately. It's actually good cause then the ppl that can't afford 1t per slot on HF can upgrade HL for less than half of that. Yeah it may be bad timing but no point in getting upset over something that you have no control over.
  2. They are trying to just to force more ppl to do hte. Everything is based around hte now. Im sure if they made a seal or xstals drop randomly from war then they would get more participation. Imagine getting a seal after ee with all ur hard work. Would make ppl not mind spending xstals and time
  3. If it was easy to upgrade everything then everyone would be HFLC and the game would have no variation in build size and would be pointless at that point. You have to remember this game is about to be 5 years old so a lot of players that have been here since the beginning are excited about the changes. Yes everyone wants to go back to pvp and wars only but I see those ppl that want that participating in ebs just like everyone else. So if you want things to change stop feeding the Devs seals and maybe you will see change. You can't complain about changes and then participate in the changes and expect them to stop changing things.
  4. Games are meant to be enjoyed not stressed over
  5. It gives objectives to do, if u are HFLC so quick, the games get boring coz u dont have much else to do and u stop, if u have a higher objective ull need more time to play and to have fun, dont see LB so much, there are warriors all sizes with all types of equip and all types of bfa 
  6. Devs you know a simple "**** you all we don't give a damn about your feelings or opinions" would be better than this silent treatment  lmao

  7. I was 2 lands and 2 buildings away from HLBC
    Now I'm 2 lands and 25 Buildings away 
  8. Everyone bitching about new lands and buildings and **** shut up. I have only played for 2.5yrs so still a noob. I have grown semi fast I think and all the stuff they keep putting in just ups my activity. Thanks devs. **** the haters️
  9. Three lands left in high lands and this happens! Next after lvl 5 comes out will be more lands...
  10. Itsssss Sunday devs :) spy builds pleaseee
  11. Y'all saying the people who are hfbc have something to work towards are ignorant. Majority of the people who are hfbc are the lb or close to it. They have so much saved up they just upgrade all at once anyways, and are back in the same place. I am not even hfbc, and I am a crazy active like many others I know. The devs knew a few months ago we wasn't ready for hf level 4 or 5 so they took it back. Now they release even more buildings, it's just pathetic on their part. Also, people who are realizing how this game is going isn't "whining" like you so call trolls say on every thread. Yes in other cases they are indeed complaining, but this update wasn't the best for kaw, and the player base is voicing that.
  12. Personally thinking this is bollocks, finally about to be hlbc and this happens :( ....damn devs
  13. Santa I think you are wrong. I am 3t away from HFBC and I am not even close to top 3k LB. I'm glad they are giving more levels to HL otherwise a lot of people would run out of stuff to accomplish. The EE war system is ******** so might as well upgrade buildings.
  14. That is still in the top 10,000 on the LB so technically you're on the leaderboards 
  15. 12m cs gets you on top 10k lol and another note. You people expect kaw to wait for everyone to catch up? That would be stupid to think. Quit crying about YOU not being ready for changes. It's nobody's fault but YOURS that your not ready for more lands, equipment, etc.
  16. This is a community game. Quit being selfish. All I see is ME ME ME I I I.
  17. I'm over 12mil and I'm not in the top 10,000 
  18. 12mcs?! Where'd you get that from? The LB is not based on stats.
  19. HTE that is all this is, it is really sad to have to spend $5.00 to run an eb, if everyone would just stop spending so much money, you would see a price decrease on that eb and they might start putting more effort into making the game fun.
  20. I could never figure out why KAW did not create the Clans and have the Mods as owners, then it would give more in sight to developing the game