Tier 5 Level 4 Attack Buildings Now Available

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by [ATA]Grant, Aug 22, 2014.

  1. Again? Way to tell everyone who's busted their butt's to go hlbc that their hard work means nothing to you. That months or sometimes years of effort and loyalty to this game mean squat to you.  wonder how many more players will quit now. You idiots can't line your pockets if u keep running off your clientele. How about you fix PVP instead of screwing 95% of kaw over yet again. the only ppl that benefit from this are the lb players (who I'm sure are build complete again already), and your own pockets with the extra money we all have spend in seals just to stay competitive.
  2. Quick find the devs accs and farm them to reset 
  3. NO SUPPORT 
  4. Just push me into retirement why don't ya?!
  5. Lol...the whiners never cease
  6. Uhm.. What about spies
  7. Kaw_community is not 24/7 whiner window

    Make a legit case or be ignored. Who on this earth listens to ppl if they whine on incessantly?
  8. How much troops for the new upgrade level on T5?
  9. Something wrong with devs math: 12.5bil. /25bil. / 50bil. / 150 bil. ???
  10. I have 25 vols :| typical lol
  11. Well this sucks
  12. Honestly why upgrade - we all know that eventually that devs will cut these prices? Right now I figure it will cost ~3.7t to ug, when devs cut prices it will cost ~1.9t to ug.

    F....orget hl lands for now. I'm boycottin them for now. Devs releasing these builds b4 s4 is ridiculous. The release of these builds def swing favor in primal wars to clans full of lb players who can attain hlbc and hfbc - I dun see how I can participate in primal wars.

    Might b better to invest in allies and build up ur ally shop and get rich ally trading and wait for price cuts.
  13. There should be some limits.
  14. Totally agree

    Ppl always find somethin to complain about n those same ppl rarely have anything good to say.
  15. For Spy builds devs plz. Thank you. Where is the logic of releasing t5 lvl 4 ONLY for atk builds?
  16. Its so us spys cant assass the precious LB players to 0 in primal  pure BS.. Also still waiting on spy banners
  17. You gotta be kidding us not worth my time at these prices I'll just be using this game as my chat room now but hey thanks DEVS
  18. Wish the devs would at least respond with something...