I'll work on this when I'm done with my Hoarfrost Lands in Two or 3 years until then they can remain the same
Almost 4t of upgrades released now, and then mith will be available for purchase which will run atleast 10t for a full set of s3 :lol:
Hey devs I was wondering when you can give us more lands to buy, oh and tier 6-20... Oh and possible more equipment for a limited time to get stuff to enchant then take away the ability to enchant, oh and I will be sure to just send you a check for your vacation homes.. Just give me the payable to whom info and we can cut out the middle man.. As I said before up there suck it
Devs you are beyond stupid at this point. Obviously not many are even hfbc yet you release even more buildings to upgrade? It's easy to tell you have no idea how this game works, and as many that are quitting it won't matter anyways. Thanks for being so ignorant towards your own customers.
I mean at least give a warning or something don't just shove it in our faces and be like HERE NEW BUILDINGS. LOVE THEM BUY THEM BUT MOST IMPORTANTLY SPEND MONEY TO GET THEM. stupid stupid stupid makes me wanna bang my head against a freaking wall. Quit with the new buildings damnit.