Tier 5 Level 4 Attack Buildings Now Available

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by [ATA]Grant, Aug 22, 2014.

  1. Hey devs... Suck it
  2. I always read the post Oli - doesn't clarify why the developers have a distasteful perspective towards spies. Releasing attack build banners first during January and yet no spy emphasis banner during the present.

    Now, this update only for the chunk of the community which has attack builds yet again.
    Notice a pattern?

    Anyway, will wait till next week I guess.
  3. Why does the stat increase is lower then the other levels?
  4. Devs, your foul knack for greed has to end. We, your customers, have been asking for pvp and other fixes for how long? This is your answer? Widen the gap even more and push your customers even closer to the edge. I know about running a business, and if it wasn't for your whales and what I call the "PAC Men" your business would have gone belly up long ago.
    Keep pushing, and eventually we your customers, will put our foot down....

  5. Total cost for complete build is now 37T. When do lvl5 HL buildings come out devs? You know you want to.... lol

    I laughed hard at your banging on the keyboard tif rusty... well played.

    Oh, and in case you've got 1,775 mith laying around, you can buy all 12 red paladin pieces of equip for 25% of the cost of Season 3 equip, and get 61% of the starting stats. Looks like we need another way to earn mith, like hitting the BL perhaps?

    This is one reason why I took a step back....
  6. Does anyone know if it is better to ug T5 to lvl 4 or T6 to lvl 2 since they are same price?

    In other words which gives a higher stat increase
  7. Kaw,

    Can you tell us if there are plans for level 5?
  8. I upgraded 4 and stats went up 200k ,wow terrible stats
  9. Devs, what can you tell us about plunder impact :?:
  10. @Kaw_Community

    two things need answered....


    What will the cost of the Spy buildings be?? :D



    When exactly (the date & time) do you plan on releasing the spy buildings :cry:

    Why do y'all always leave spies out first :roll: :?
  11. Yaaaay farther away from ever completing anything!!
  12. 150 bil not worth the stats it give you. I'll continue on with my FrostLands. Nice try though devs 
  13. Crazy
    I think you need to focus on pvp updates and better ways to earn myth.. And what's this about the swarm rings? No longer providing enchantment material , really turned off by this
  14. Ffs give people a break 
  15. You did this before s3 last season and ruined a lot of builds and inbalanced wars. Now you are doing it again. Only the ppl with cash can tower up now and will ruin a lot of mids for s4 now. Told you when their is hte 50% be ready for bad news.
  16. Unreal lol but we still play
  17. Can we have some idea what these new buildings are. I would hate to upgrade and waste the gold if there is a better building coming next week. This information is needed to decide what to do
  18. Times like this I really wish I could farm ata. :(