Season 4 Coming Soon!

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by [ATA]Grant, Aug 22, 2014.

  1. Honesty is a rare thing bud 
  2. LmaoWish I was that good
  3. In my honest opinion I see this season as a good way to get more people involved in primal wars. Think about it guys this season is not about plunder or growth but about PvP. With both indi and primal wars available there will be far more people warring overall and therefore people will gain more experience. The reason people hate primal is because they can't exploit it with bfa and bfe. If you don't like primal wars have you ever thought about shutting up and not taking part in them ?

    Indi wars are part luck yes however a good tracker and wc can turn the tide in your clans favour and for all those who want to use their bfe and bfa they have the option there. Indi wars tests peoples war ability better because it shows who can adapt their tactics to the roster they were given and those who they face. Honestly the main issue with indi wars is that someone can hit a couple times and get away with being inactive for the rest of the war.

    There are many missed opportunities here btw devs because you could have put 4 types of wars in this season.
    Indi wars : Classic and Primal
    Clan wars : Classic and Primal

    With that system people could war with their clans or go solo and get to choose the war format of their choice. Perhaps the devs could try and work out any issues in that ?
  4. LB's can still smash anyone outside wars, so why not introduce some PvP rewards to compensate?
  5. @ Kezzee

    Well said
  6. I support the nee season but dev's what did u do ? U made s3 item to sell on marketplace so they are no more reward for hard fighting on s3 ...
  7. They r not easily earned n ppl r not given them bro
  8. Yoshi, look at the prices of them. No person with any sense would buy them for that price
  9. lol night ur funny bro .i thought that equip was exclusive anyway .what a waste all the sleepless nights to get rancor 50 lol .dont be selfish u got primal wars n indi .at least mix some.clan wars is that alot to ask .everyone get thier own type of war
  10. Eg a decent PS needs prolly 50 wins n no losses to buy a 1000 mith EQ

    Thats hardly easy to do lol
  11. I'm not against clan wars at all.
    If its fair i'm all for it, I never said ban them
  12. Eg Guarantee 3 lb n 17 sh r matched against 3 lb n 17 sh n idc

    As for SH that claim all the hard work if they dropped build idc what they whine about.
    They earned nothin n hence no respect given.

    Ppl that choose to not grow is up to them n prolly the majority of kaw don't care if they do n live with it.
  13. Time to dust down ur PS y'all everything else second best in primal wars. Enjoy lol.

    Devs - ultimate fail. PS replaces SH and you alienate all those who have collected equipment and bfa over the years. Nice job.
  14. Primal Wars r only 1 means of war not the only one.

    IW n OSW n PvP r still options too
  15. Primal wars are in clan wars you whiners... It's actually more possible to war with friends/family/clannies with them for most of us... -.\
  16. As for PS replacing SH they do not gain mithril as fast nor the plunder in Primal Wars as easily.

    They have a sacrificial role mostly n can hardly be compared to SH in the slightest way.
  17. PS build n grow while SH stunt.
    Not easy warring as PS n always the 1st to get swarmed n yet they don't complain.
    They trudge on n do their part in war efforts.
    Kudos to PS that do Primal Wars
  18. Support to trying this setup for S4, would be nice to have a season without stacking. But honestly wih a 20 person roster size and 6 wars a day clans in Primal wars will struggle to fill rosters. Less clans warring means more no matches, not giving this setup a fair chance. Roster sizes of 15 or 11 for Primals would be better I think.