Clan door watchers

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by LaDy_GoDiVa, Jan 22, 2014.

  1. Make a position in clans that is in between admin and member. That person is a door watcher. This could be a stepping stone to admin duties. Admins could be granted ability to give that position to members. Also many times clans need extra door watchers but do not want to give admin. The position could not start ebs or kick ppl out of clans.
  2. I like this idea. Would really help when most are working/lurking and might not have time to watch closely
  3. Nice idea. I always like the ideas with clan improvements.
  4. Op I'm watching you
  5. Do devs ever even read fourms
  6. There s some good ideas
  7. Out of all the dumb clan positions we have a diamond in the rough. I think it's a great idea cause you have no idea how many members clans lose to not having enough admins, to all of them just not being on.
  8. Support for door watchers
  9. You should only make it so that door watchers can only accept people in and can't deny or kick
  10. Support!  Great Idea!
  11. Just make people admin and tell them they can only watch the door and start EBs.. Label junior admin.. You don't need an update to have a chain of command. Instead of the update try actually organizing your clan
  12. @dirty you could do that but then you have to worry about wether or not you can trust them or not. With this you can just make anyone a "door watcher" (lol srsly needs a better name) and they can only accept/decline people. No kicking involved, no cp changed, no title changing, etc.
  13. support if we can tip the doorman.
  14. Yes, but I only support if the doorman can get tips
  15. Support. I'm on during quiet times but not really admin ready. This is perfect.
  16. Then when they mess up they lose priveledge

    Don't make someone admin that you can't teust
  17. Have door watcher/EB starter admin
  18. Well this way you dont have to trust them you just have to make them door watcher they can't screw it up and they can't screw you in the process