Help me with spy plz

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by *lIIllIl___SHADOW___llIlIIl (01), Jun 30, 2010.

  1. I have a level 3 and 4 guild. But I am making hardly any money when I steal from someone. Help!
  2. Get more lvl 3 or 4 guilds
  3. get alot of guilds I made 1mil at most when I had 1lvl4guild and 18lvl3guilds
  4. I can make almost 3mil with 2 lvl 4 guilds and 16 lvl 3 guilds
  5. You have to spy on targets with better stats and you will get more money
  6. This is such a stupid question tho. If your weak with little spies get more o_O
  7. Bender I haven't used spies before.
    Don't really know how they work.
  8. You could've said before hand, it's legit. But it's the same as attack build; Little Troops = Little money
  9. I can make 4.5 mil on the right person with 2 level 4 guilds and 18 level 3 guilds