@KILLER...you can have mith equip. You just have to do the same thing and make the same sacrifices everyone else had to make. Of course those of us that have already done all that don't support. Why should it be easier for you?
Dragonrider, I am an attack build and never went before to an EE war. But still, no support. Getting miths would become way too easy if this kind of system is implemented.
People who warred most likely have S1, 2 & 3 armour anyway. Op is only asking for the cheaper EQ.. and the cost would be far over 500billion.
OP said all who don't support are buffed up spy builds... I don't have much Mithril equipment, yet I still don't support. I have the funds to buy enough Mithril to fully enchant them too, yet I still don't support
No support ee is devs way to revive pvp and you people come along trying to undermine it.if people could just buy mith then ee and indy wars would be a lot less popular
Im attack build. And ill nvr hav the equip. But still. Work for it mate. The only way ull ever get it. Maybe these primals with give us a chance
Op I have a brilliant idea.... If you want to get mith to buy the really sexy mith equip.... why dont you go out and war like everyone else who wants the mith equip is doing. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: EB noobs these days
In the beginning, mith was available for over the counter sales. One could purchase as much mith as one wanted. For those saying earn it; you must be new.
Totally understand your complaint OP. I'm in a similar boat, ee schedule never seems to mesh with mine, so I don't do it. But still, those with ee equip work much harder than I do for it, so they deserve it, I don't. There is still good equip available for those of us who don't ee. It's kind of like saying: that lawyer makes 250k a year. I would be a lawyer, but I don't have the time or money to invest for law school. Can't I just make more money anyway?
Mith sales were a regular event before the EE's were brought out,2 in the same month and those in the know bought as much as the limit allowed.Quite a few ppl had the 1st EE equip maxed as soon as it was brought out,so the argument that mith was earnt is not a sound answer to Ops request.The devs screwed up as usual a new red mith should have been brought out for the EE's giving everyone a equal footing.
And make the 2012 summer victory plates randomly drop from ebs too. It's not fair that op can't get those. C'mon devs